
时间:2015-08-19 08:34:56

标签: ios arrays swift dictionary

我有一个Arrayvar messageArray = [AnyObject]()Array中有一个元组,其中包含Dictionaries个10个键/值对(其中9个不重要)排序):var messageDetailDict = [String: AnyObject]()

获取和设置这些值都可以正常工作,但现在我想Array 的值(而不是键)对Dictionary进行排序。

示例 - > Array的元组包含多个Dictionaries

DictionaryArray中的第一个元素)中的键是:' ReceivedAt'其值为21-03-2015

Dictionary中的密钥(Array中的第二个元素)是:' ReceivedAt'其值为20-03-2015

Dictionary中的密钥(Array中的第三个元素)是:' ReceivedAt'其值为15-03-2015





    ConversationId = "94cc96b5-d063-41a0-ae03-6d1a868836fb";
    Data = "Hello World";
    Id = "eeb5ac08-209f-4ef0-894a-72e77f01b80b";
    NeedsPush = 0;
    ReceivedAt = "/Date(1439920899537)/";
    SendAt = "/Date(1436620515000)/";
    Status = 0;
    ConversationId = "94cc96b5-d063-41a0-ae03-6d1a868836fb";
    Data = "Hello World";
    Id = "86b8766d-e4b2-4ef6-9112-ba9193048d9d";
    NeedsPush = 0;
    ReceivedAt = "/Date(1439921562909)/";
    SendAt = "/Date(1436620515000)/";
    Status = 0;


func getTimeStampFromAPIValue(dateTimeReceived: String) -> String {
    let newStartIndex = advance(dateTimeReceived.startIndex, 6)
    let newEndIndex = advance(dateTimeReceived.endIndex, -2)

    let substring = dateTimeReceived.substringWithRange(newStartIndex..<newEndIndex) // ell
    let receivedAtValueInInteger = (substring as NSString).doubleValue
    let receivedAtValueInDate = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970:receivedAtValueInInteger/1000)

    //format date
    var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yy hh:mm"
    var dateString = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(receivedAtValueInDate)

    return dateString

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


var sortedArray = messageArray.sorted { (dict1, dict2) in

    // Get the ReceivedAt value as strings
    if let date1String = dict1["ReceivedAt"] as? String,
       let date2String = dict2["ReceivedAt"] as? String {

        // Compare the date strings to find the earlier of the two
        return date1String.compare(date2String) == .OrderedAscending

    // Couldn't parse the date, make an assumption about the order
    return true

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

尝试此操作,如果需要按相反的顺序更改OrderedAscending OrderedDescending

messageArray.sortInPlace {
    ($0["ReceivedAt"] as! NSDate).compare($1["ReceivedAt"] as! NSDate) == .OrderedAscending