R - 字符向量中两个单词之间出现的单词位置

时间:2015-08-18 15:42:42

标签: r


x1 <- readLines("test.xml)
<stepgrp type="unordered-bullet">
Ensure the dark link is facing up.
If using the chain and sprockets again, align the darkened
link with the marked sprockets made during disassembly.
Install the drive chain to the drive sprocket and the driven


的位置之间不会发生<important> <hdtitle>Important:</hdtitle> <stepgrp type="unordered-bullet"> <step> Ensure the dark link is facing up. </step> <step> If using the chain and sprockets again, align the darkened link with the marked sprockets made during disassembly. </step> </stepgrp> </important><step> Install the drive chain to the drive sprocket and the driven sprocket. </step>



如果上述条件满足,我会在</important>之后添加Const cstrDbPath As String = "C:\share\Access\Database2.accdr" Const cstrDao = "DAO.DBEngine.120" Dim dbe As Object ' DAO.DBEngine Dim db As Object ' DAO.Database Dim rs As Object ' DAO.Recordset Dim strSql As String strSql = "SELECT 'Hello World' AS greet_world;" Set dbe = CreateObject(cstrDao) Set db = dbe.OpenDatabase(cstrDbPath, True) Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql) Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs rs.Close db.Close

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

String  args = "ps -efl";
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime ().exec (args);

    int     exitVal = p.waitFor ();

    // search output for instance of process name
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (p.getInputStream ()));
    String  line = "";
    while ((line = br.readLine ()) != null)
        System.out.println (line);
catch (InterruptedException e)
    System.out.println (e.getMessage ());
    System.exit (0);

我使用imp_end <- grep("<\\/important>", x) step_start <- grep("<step>", x) step_end <- grep("<\\/step>", x) imp_intervals <- cut(imp_end, step_end) step_start_intervals <- na.omit(cut(step_start, step_end)) valid <- na.omit(imp_intervals[!imp_intervals %in% step_start_intervals]) indx <- na.omit(imp_end[imp_intervals == valid]) x[indx] <- gsub("^(<\\/important>)$", "\\1<step>", x[indx]) x # [1] "<important>" # [2] "<hdtitle>Important:</hdtitle>" # [3] "<stepgrp type=\"unordered-bullet\">" # [4] "<step>" # [5] "Ensure the dark link is facing up." # [6] "</step>" # [7] "<step>" # [8] "If using the chain and sprockets again, align the darkened" # [9] "link with the marked sprockets made during disassembly." # [10] "</step>" # [11] "</stepgrp>" # [12] "</important><step>" # [13] "Install the drive chain to the drive sprocket and the driven" # [14] "sprocket." # [15] "</step>" 为线条创建间隔。我假设数据是垂直的,如示例中所示。然后使用cut,我查找valid之间的</important>位置,并且在同一区间内也没有"</step>"个字符串。我试图破译你的规则逻辑,让我知道你是否正在寻找它。

