
时间:2015-08-18 11:57:36

标签: xcode swift parse-platform uiviewcontroller

构建我的第一个Swift应用程序并使用Parse作为Baas。 我将它包装在一个服务中,这样我就可以检查数据输入并准备结果......让我的生活更轻松。但我不确定如何使用它进行异步调用。

我通常会让我的服务返回包含success: Boolmessage: String(错误原因)和data: [AnyObject]结果的回复。我来自一个JS世界,我习惯于回调,但不知道这是如何工作的,因为块不返回数据......

class UserService {                    
    class func register(email: String, password: String) -> Response {    
        if email == "" || password == "" {
            return Response(success: false, message: "Please enter an email and password")

        var user = PFUser()
        user.username = email
        user.email = email        

        user.signUpInBackgroundWithBlock { (succeeded: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
             if let error = error {
                 let errorString = error.userInfo?["error"] as? NSString
                 // here I would like to return my response success: false, message: errorString
             } else {
                 // Hooray! Let them use the app now.
                 // Here I would like to return response success: true
        return Response(success: true, message: "")


@IBAction func registerBtn(sender: AnyObject) {
        registerBtnBtn.enabled = false
        let response: Response = UserService.register(emailInput.text, password: passwordInput.text)
        if !response.success {
            registerBtnBtn.enabled = true
            registerBtnBtn.setTitle("Registering", forState: .Normal)

            AlertTools.okAlert(self, title: "Something went wrong...", message: response.message)
        } else {
            self.performSegueWithIdentifier("registerToBabySegue", sender: self)

我完全错了吗? 任何帮助非常感谢。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


typealias Response = (success: Bool, message: String?)

class UserService {
    class func register(email: String, password: String, completionHandler: ((Response)->())?) {
        if email == "" || password == "" {
            completionHandler?(Response(success: false, message: "Please enter an email and password"))

        let user = PFUser()
        user.username = email
        user.email = email

        user.signUpInBackgroundWithBlock { (succeeded: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
            if let error = error {
                let errorString = error.userInfo?["error"] as? NSString
                completionHandler?(Response(success: false, message: errorString))
                // here I would like to return my response success: false, message: errorString
            } else {
                completionHandler?(Response(success: true, message: nil))
                // Hooray! Let them use the app now.
                // Here I would like to return response success: true
        completionHandler?(Response(success: true, message: nil))


UserService.register("some@email.com", password: "12345") { (response: Response) -> () in
    // process response