cr.execute("select es.* from student_resource es where es.date between '"+str(date_from)+"' and '"+str(date_to)+"'")
其中 date_from 和 date_to 的类型为 fields.date 但是当执行时,我正在尝试访问我的视图,它表示:
TypeError:无法连接' str'和' int'对象
File "/opt/openerp/server-7/openerp/osv/osv.py", line 187, in execute_cr
return getattr(object, method)(cr, uid, *args, **kw)
File "/opt/openerp/custom_addons/sample_new/student_resource.py", line 207, in generate_ewt_line
from student_resource es where es.date between '"+str(date_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))+"' and '"+str(date_to.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))+"'\
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
_logger.info("\n\t\t\tI was called. My method name is %s"%(str('generate_student_resource_report')))
for ewt in self.browse(cr,uid,ids,context):
old_history = resource_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id','=',ewt.id)],context=context)
if old_history:
ewt_line_obj.unlink(cr, uid, old_history,context=context)
cr.execute("insert into resource_line(partner_id,seq,base_amount,tax_amount,percent,atc_code,\
nature,parent_id,create_date,write_date,create_uid, write_uid)\
select es.part_id as partner_id,\
(case when es.name like '%WC158%' then 1\
when es.name like '%WC160%' then 2\
when es.name like '%WC010%' then 3\
when es.name like '%WC140%' then 4\
else 0 end) as seq,\
sum(es.base_amt) as base_amount,\
sum(es.tax_amt) as tax_amount,\
(case when es.name like '%EWT 1\%%' then '1.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 2\%%' then '2.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 3\%%' then '3.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 4\%%' then '4.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 5\%%' then '5.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 6\%%' then '6.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 7\%%' then '7.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 8\%%' then '8.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 9\%%' then '9.00'\
when es.name like '%EWT 10\%%' then '10.00'\
else null end) as percent,\
(case when es.name like '%WC158%' then 'WC158'\
when es.name like '%WC160%' then 'WC160'\
when es.name like '%WC010%' then 'WC010'\
when es.name like '%WC140%' then 'WC140'\
else null end) as atc_code,\
(case when es.name like '%WC158%' then 'NOTEBOOK'\
when es.name like '%WC160%' then 'BACKPACK'\
when es.name like '%WC010%' then 'COLOR'\
when es.name like '%WC140%' then 'BOOKS' else null end) as nature,\
(now()) as create_date,(now()) as write_date,\
? as parent_id,? as create_uid,? as write_uid\
from student_source es where es.date between ? and ? \
group by es.partner_id,es.name",(ewt.id,uid,uid,str(date_from),str(date_to)))
line_list = cr.fetchall()
_logger.info("\n\t\t\tSource ... %s"%(str(line_list)))
list = self.pool.get('student.resource.line').search(cr,uid,[('parent_id','=',ewt.id)])
lines = [line.id if line.id else False for line in self.pool.get('student.resource.line').browse(cr,uid,list,context=context)]
value = {
"value" : {
'name' : 'Student Resources Report',
"ewt_line" : lines
return value
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你应该ORM methods。尝试这样的事情:
student_resource_obj = self.pool.get('student.resource')
lines = student_resource_obj.search(cr, uid,
[('date', '>', date_from),
('date', '<', date_to)]
for record in lines:
# [...]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
从查询中删除?符号而不是%s ,最后删除,并将其替换为%(ewt.date_from ,ewt.date_to))强>
qry = "select * from table where field1 = %s and field2=%s" %(value1, value2)
cr.execute("select es.* from student_resource es where es.date between '"+ date_from.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") +"' and '"+ date_to.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") +"'")