Apache Thrift C ++ GlobalOutput输出到哪里?

时间:2015-08-18 07:59:21

标签: c++ thrift

我在我的C ++项目中使用Apache Thrift GlobalOutput(error_message)。一旦启动,服务器将监听客户端连接和处理请求。一切都很好,但偶尔服务器停止没有任何迹象。

我关注了thrift库的来源,可以看到TTransportExceptionTException被捕获时创建的void TSimpleServer::serve() { shared_ptr<TTransport> client; shared_ptr<TTransport> inputTransport; shared_ptr<TTransport> outputTransport; shared_ptr<TProtocol> inputProtocol; shared_ptr<TProtocol> outputProtocol; // Start the server listening serverTransport_->listen(); // Run the preServe event if (eventHandler_) { eventHandler_->preServe(); } // Fetch client from server while (!stop_) { try { client = serverTransport_->accept(); inputTransport = inputTransportFactory_->getTransport(client); outputTransport = outputTransportFactory_->getTransport(client); inputProtocol = inputProtocolFactory_->getProtocol(inputTransport); outputProtocol = outputProtocolFactory_->getProtocol(outputTransport); } catch (TTransportException& ttx) { if (inputTransport) { inputTransport->close(); } if (outputTransport) { outputTransport->close(); } if (client) { client->close(); } if (!stop_ || ttx.getType() != TTransportException::INTERRUPTED) { string errStr = string("TServerTransport died on accept: ") + ttx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); } continue; } catch (TException& tx) { if (inputTransport) { inputTransport->close(); } if (outputTransport) { outputTransport->close(); } if (client) { client->close(); } string errStr = string("Some kind of accept exception: ") + tx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); continue; } catch (string s) { if (inputTransport) { inputTransport->close(); } if (outputTransport) { outputTransport->close(); } if (client) { client->close(); } string errStr = string("Some kind of accept exception: ") + s; GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); break; } // Get the processor shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor = getProcessor(inputProtocol, outputProtocol, client); void* connectionContext = NULL; if (eventHandler_) { connectionContext = eventHandler_->createContext(inputProtocol, outputProtocol); } try { for (;;) { if (eventHandler_) { eventHandler_->processContext(connectionContext, client); } if (!processor->process(inputProtocol, outputProtocol, connectionContext) || // Peek ahead, is the remote side closed? !inputProtocol->getTransport()->peek()) { break; } } } catch (const TTransportException& ttx) { string errStr = string("TSimpleServer client died: ") + ttx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); } catch (const std::exception& x) { GlobalOutput.printf("TSimpleServer exception: %s: %s", typeid(x).name(), x.what()); } catch (...) { GlobalOutput("TSimpleServer uncaught exception."); } if (eventHandler_) { eventHandler_->deleteContext(connectionContext, inputProtocol, outputProtocol); } try { inputTransport->close(); } catch (const TTransportException& ttx) { string errStr = string("TSimpleServer input close failed: ") + ttx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); } try { outputTransport->close(); } catch (const TTransportException& ttx) { string errStr = string("TSimpleServer output close failed: ") + ttx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); } try { client->close(); } catch (const TTransportException& ttx) { string errStr = string("TSimpleServer client close failed: ") + ttx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); } } if (stop_) { try { serverTransport_->close(); } catch (TTransportException &ttx) { string errStr = string("TServerTransport failed on close: ") + ttx.what(); GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str()); } stop_ = false; } } 。我需要理解这一点,以便在服务器死亡时创建恢复机制。


enter code hererequire_once('Classes/PHPExcel.php');

    $cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory:: cache_to_phpTemp; 

    $cacheSettings = array( ' memoryCacheSize ' => '1024MB'); 


    ini_set('max_execution_time', 13600); 

    PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings); 

    // Create new PHPExcel object
    $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

    // Set document properties


                                 ->setTitle("Office 2007 XLSX Test Document")

                                 ->setSubject("Office 2007 XLSX Test Document")

                                 ->setCategory("Test result file");



        // Rename worksheet

        $file = 'employer';



                                ->setCellValue('A1','Employer Name')

                                ->setCellValue('B1','Emp ID')



         $query = $this->session->userdata('employ');

        $query = preg_replace('/LIMIT.*/', '', $query);

        $res = $this->common_model->execute_query($query);

        $row = 2;

        foreach($res as $result)









        header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=Employer list'.date("Y-m-d").'.xls');


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在TOutput.cpp深处,有一行fprintf(stderr, "Thrift: %s %s\n", dbgtime, msg); (source here),默认情况下,所有Thrift GlobalOutput消息最终都会出现(标准错误)。


void myOutputFunction(const char* x)
  fprintf(myLogFile, "Thrift internal message: %s\n", x);

// Inside some init function or main