
时间:2015-08-17 23:37:41

标签: sql sql-server



MediId, Name
1,      MedA
2,      MedB
3,      MedC


MedSympId, Medicine (MedId),     Symptom (symptomId)
1,         MedA (1),             Symptom A (1)
2,         MedA (1),             Symptom B (2)
3,         MedB (2),             Symptom B (2)
4,         MedB (2),             Symptom C (3)
5,         MedC (3),             Symptom D

我有另一张名为Patient and Patient_Symptoms的表


PatientId, Name
1,         Patient A
2,         Patient B
3,         Patient C
4,         Patient D


PatientSymptomId, PatientId,     SymptomId
1,                Patient A(1),  Symptom A (1)
2,                Patient A(1),  Symptom B (2)
3,                Patient B(2),  Symptom B (2)
4,                Patient B(2),  Symptom D (4)
5,                Patient D(4),  Symptom D (4)


Patient A - Med A (as he has symptom a and b and Med is for symptom A and B)
Patient B - None! (as he has symptoms b and d and there is no medicine for symptoms B and D)
Patient D - Med C (as med C is for symptom D only and Patient D has only symptom D)



Symptom Id, Name
1,          Symptom A
2,          Symptom B
3,          Symptom C
4,          Symptom D
5,          Symptom E





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

您可以将not existsfull join … null结合起来选择所有不会 - 不是 - (双阴性)药物治疗患者症状的药物 - 因此该药物确实具有所有治疗方法

select * from medicine m
where not exists (
    select 1 from patient_symptom ps 
    full join medication_symptoms ms on ps.SymptomId = ms.SymptomId
          and ps.PatientId = :myPatientIdHere
          and ms.MedId = m.MedId
    where (ms.SymptomId is null or ps.symptomId is null)


select ms.MedId
from patient_symptom ps
join medication_symptoms ms on ps.SymptomId = ms.SymptomId
where ps.patientId = :myPatientIdHere
group by ms.MedId, ps.patientId
having count(ms.symptomId) = (select count(*) from patient_symptom ps2 
                                where ps2.patientId = ps.patientId)
and count(ms.symptomId) = (select count(*) from medication_symptoms ms2 
                                where ms2.MedId = ms.MedId)


如果您使用full join,则可以使用条件聚合来确保完整联接的任何一侧都没有空值,以确保“1:1匹配”。

select t1.MedId
from (
  select * from 
  patient_symptom ps
  cross join medicine m
  where patientId = :myPatientId
) t1
full join medication_symptoms ms on t1.SymptomId = ms.SymptomId
      and t1.MediId = ms.MediId
group by t1.MedId
having count(case when t1.SymptomId is null or ms.SymptomId is null then 1 end) = 0

答案 1 :(得分:2)


FROM medicine m
        SELECT 1
        FROM (
            SELECT ms.symptomId
            FROM Medication_Symptoms ms
            WHERE ms.medId = m.medid
            ) ms1
        FULL JOIN (
            SELECT ps.SymptomId
            FROM Patient_Symptom ps
            WHERE ps.PatientId = 7
            ) ps1 ON ps1.SymptomId = ms1.SymptomId
        WHERE (
                ps1.SymptomId IS NULL
                OR ms1.symptomId IS NULL

我们发现以下查询比上面的查询更快(这是由同事发现并查看挂钟时间和查询计划,这个更快)< / p>

select m.Name
from Medicine m
where m.Id in (
    select ms.MedicineId
    from       Medication_Symptom ms
    inner join (select SymptomId
        from Patient_Symptom
        where PatientId = 7)      ps on ps.SymptomId = ms.SymptomId
    group by ms.MedicineId
    having count(*) = (select count(SymptomId)
        from Patient_Symptom
        where PatientId = 7)
    select ms.MedicineId
    from Medication_Symptom ms
    group by ms.MedicineId
    having count(*) = (select count(SymptomId)
        from Patient_Symptom
        where PatientId = 7)


select po.Name, m.Name
from Medicine m, patient po
where m.Id in (
    select ms.MedicineId
    from       Medication_Symptom ms
    inner join (select SymptomId
        from Patient_Symptom
        where PatientId = po.Id)      ps on ps.SymptomId = ms.SymptomId
    group by ms.MedicineId
    having count(*) = (select count(SymptomId)
        from Patient_Symptom
        where PatientId = po.Id)
    select ms.MedicineId
    from Medication_Symptom ms
    group by ms.MedicineId
    having count(*) = (select count(SymptomId)
        from Patient_Symptom
        where PatientId = po.Id)