Function LookupSum(criteriaRng As Range, criteriaHeadRng As Range, lookupColumn As String, DataTable As Range, Optional OffsetRow As Integer) As Integer
'Looks up multiple row values in a lookup column and returns the sum
'criteriaRng and criteriaHeadRng are equally sized horizontal one row high ranges
'Our data table has the criteria down the left column and the lookup header along the top row
'The aim is to sum the values in the correct column where the leftmost row value meets the multiple criteria. There may be multiple criteria entries in the table. Offset can be used to pick the first, second third row consistently. The data table is sorted on the criteria.
Dim criteria() As String, DataColumn As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim FirstColumn As Range, TopRow As Range
LookupSum = 0 'default return
ReDim criteria(20) 'more than enough for this purpose
'First get the list of relevant criteria into the criteria() array
i = 0 'set our counters
j = 0
For i = 1 To criteriaRng.Cells.Count
If criteriaRng(1, i).Value > 0 Then
criteria(j) = criteriaHeadRng(1, i).Value2
j = j + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve criteria(i) 'trim the array back to the useful data only
'Set up lookup columns in the data table - first row and first column
Set FirstColumn = Range("'" & DataTable.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & DataTable(1, 1).Address & ":" & DataTable(DataTable.Rows.Count, 1).Address)
Set TopRow = Range("'" & DataTable.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & DataTable(1, 1).Address & ":" & DataTable(1, DataTable.Columns.Count).Address)
'Find the column required in the data table. This gives us the column count
For Each d In TopRow.Cells
DataColumn = DataColumn + 1 'loop through and increment the counter
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(d.Value2) Then If d.Value = lookupColumn Then Exit For 'exit when found. *Need to treat NA() as 0.*
Next d
'Now loop through the data table and retrieve the values to sum based on the required column and the criteria matching in the leftmost column.
l = 0
For k = 1 To i
For Each e In FirstColumn.Cells
l = l + 1
dumb = e.Address
If criteria(k) = e.Value2 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(DataTable(l + OffsetRow, DateColumn).Value2) Then
LookupSum = LookupSum + DataTable(l + OffsetRow, DateColumn).Value2
End if
Exit For
End If
Next e
Next k
end function
答案 0 :(得分:0)
以下代码似乎可以解决问题。看起来我正在把我和j混合在条件数组中。然后j = j + 1
这种VBA方法相对于SUMIFS的主要优点是公式是可重复的,这是主要目标。每个单元格中的公式都要短得多。 当然缺点是Excel的内置函数经过了很好的测试,并且在此代码中可能仍存在各种未经测试的边界条件或输入的错误。
最后需要注意的是,我仍然没有找到原始问题,原因是criteriaHeadRng(1, i).Value
Function LookupSum(criteriaRng As Range, criteriaHeadRng As Range, lookupColumn As String, DataTable As Range, Optional OffsetRow As Integer)
'Looks up multiple row values in a lookup column and returns the sum
'criteriaRng and criteriaHeadRng are equally sized horizontal one row high ranges
'Our data table has the criteria down the left column and the lookup header along the top row
'The aim is to sum the values in the correct column where the leftmost row value meets the multiple criteria.
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 'DEBUG code to catch errors
Dim criteria() As String, DataColumn As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, l As Integer
Dim FirstColumn As Range, TopRow As Range, d As Range
'LookupSum = 0 'default return
ReDim Preserve criteria(20) 'more than enough for this purpose
'First get the list of relevant criteria into the criteria() array
i = 0 'set our counters
j = 0
For i = 1 To criteriaRng.Cells.Count
If criteriaRng(1, i).Value > 0 Then
criteria(j) = criteriaHeadRng(1, i).Value
j = j + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve criteria(j) 'trim the array back to the useful data only
'Set up lookup columns in the data table - first row and first column
Set FirstColumn = Range("'" & DataTable.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & DataTable(1, 1).Address & ":" & DataTable(DataTable.Rows.Count, 1).Address)
Set TopRow = Range("'" & DataTable.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & DataTable(1, 1).Address & ":" & DataTable(1, DataTable.Columns.Count).Address)
'Find the column required in the data table
For Each d In TopRow.Cells
dumb = d.Address
DataColumn = DataColumn + 1 'loop through and increment the counter
If Not Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError(d.Value2) Then If d.Text = lookupColumn Then Exit For 'exit when found
Next d
'Now loop through the data table and retrieve the indexed values
For k = 0 To j - 1
l = 0
For Each e In FirstColumn.Cells
l = l + 1
dumb = e.Address
If criteria(k) = e.Value2 Then
If Not IsError(DataTable(l + OffsetRow, DataColumn).Value2) Then LookupSum = LookupSum + DataTable(l + OffsetRow, DataColumn).Value2
Exit For
End If
Next e
Next k
Exit Function
ErrorHandler: 'Debug code - comment/uncomment first line of function
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Source & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Function