我试图做一些"模板元编程"将c ++函数暴露给python更容易的东西。我想做的是获取现有函数并生成一个字符串,其中包含有关其返回类型和参数的信息(typeinfo也可以。)
我使用了基于(被盗)this wordpress article的函数特征类,而不是硬编码访问前几个参数我想迭代它们。
// The stolen function_traits struct...thing
template<typename T>
struct function_traits;
template<typename R, typename ...Args>
struct function_traits<std::function<R(Args...)>>
static const size_t nargs = sizeof...(Args);
using result_type = R;
template <size_t i>
struct arg
using type = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
// The function of interest
int foo(float x) {
return int(x);
// Recurse until one argument is left, appending the type name
// to the referenced string being passed in
template<size_t argIdx, typename R, typename ... Args>
void getArgTypes(std::string& ref)
using fun = function_traits<std::function<R(Args...)> >;
if (argIdx == 1)
else {
getArgTypes<argIdx - 1, R, Args...>(ref);
// My test of the template function
void test() {
std::string f = "";
// What I'd like to do
using fun = function_traits<std::function<decltype(foo)> >;
getArgTypes<fun::nargs, fun::result_type, ? ? ? >;
// But I can't even do this!
getArgTypes<1, float, int>(f);
在第一种情况下,我在调用getArgTypes时使用我的function_traits结构,我不知道指定什么作为... Args模板参数。在第二种情况下,MSVC抛出错误:
Error C1202 recursive type or function dependency context too complex