jQuery .append click在for循环中总是添加相同的值

时间:2015-08-15 20:41:59

标签: javascript jquery html

我使用jQuery动态创建表,整个表构建得很好但是在包含click事件的anchor标记中,它在与循环中的最后一个元素匹配的每一行中获取相同的值。 / p>

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
import urllib2
import sys

url = sys.argv[1]
with  open("dirlist.txt",'r') as f:
    for dir in f:
        uri = url + "/" + dir.rstrip()
            response = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
            if response.getcode() == 200:
                    soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(response.read())
                    viewstate = soup.find("input", {"type": "submit"})
                    if viewstate and viewstate.get("value") == "Send":
                        print("Shell is found!! Yay!!!")
                        print("There's nothing here")
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
                if e.code == 401:
                    print "[!] Authorization Required %s " % (uri)
                elif e.code == 403:
                    print "[!] Forbidden %s " % (uri)
                elif e.code == 404:
                    print "[-] Not Found %s " % (uri)
                elif e.code == 503:
                    print "[!] Service Unavailable %s " % (uri)
                    print "[?] Unknwon"

    print "\n:. FINISH :.\n"

以上代码应发送一条提示,其中包含' 0'点击第一行中的锚点标签,' 1'对于第二个,等等,所有链接都会发送一个警告,其中包含' 5' (x的最后一个值,因为JSON数组有6个元素),这个行为有什么想法吗?

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