
时间:2015-08-14 18:06:10

标签: vb.net loops nested


我从这样的文件中引入了完整的图纸: 06/29/2002 01 02 03 04 05强力球:01 我已经删除了数字,所以我可以遍历它们并用数字和数字绘制的次数填充数组。 我想抓住任何特定数字的抽取次数,数字,即数字1和44被抽出108次。我想将数据存储在这样的频率网格中,1,44 = 108(数字1和44被绘制108次)。这是我到目前为止的代码:

Private Class GetNumberFrequency
    Public ReadOnly Property GetFrequencyGrid() As String
           'Get/Set Variables
            Dim Size As Integer = CInt((Globals.UsersNumbers.Length /3))
            Dim TempNumber As Integer = 0
            Dim Frequency(59) As Integer   
            Dim Temp1 As Integer = 0
            Dim SortedFrequency1(59) As Integer
            Dim SortedFrequency2(59) As Integer
            Dim Start As Integer = 0

             For x As Integer = 0 To Size - 1 Step 1
                TempNumber = CInt(Globals.UsersNumbers.Substring(Start, 3).TrimStart)
                Frequency(TempNumber) += 1
                Start += 3

            For i As Integer = 1 To Frequency.Length - 1 Step 1
                Temp1 = Frequency(i) 'Get a number

                For j As Integer = 1 To Frequency.Length - 1 Step 1
                    If Frequency(j) = Temp1 Then
'Here is where I am having the problem.
'I cant figure out the logic to use here.
'Right now the array holds the numbers and the number of times they
'were drawn,
'i.e. Frequency(1) = 108
      Frequency(2) = 117
      Frequency(3) = 106
      Frequency(44) = 108
'I want to loop through the array values 108, 117, 106 and grab 
'the indexes of each of these number draw frequencies (1, 2, 3, etc.), 
'so I can display them as,
    'Numbers    Frequency
    '1, 44        108
    '7, 25        117, etc. 
'I've tried using a 2 dimensional array but the array of Frequency(60, 60)
'creates an array of 3600 elements, and I don't need that many.
'I've also tried an array for the numbers and a string for the number of
'times drawn, but the logic escapes me.
'Any help will be appreciated! Thank you.
                    End If
            Return Frequency.ToString
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

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