
时间:2015-08-14 16:29:49

标签: haskell gtk2hs

我正在尝试使用gtk2hs在Haskell中创建一个Timer。 我在这个网站上找到了一个例子wiki.haskell Tutorial Threaded GUI 我可以在我的项目中成功实施。我面临的唯一问题是为计时器创建一个重启按钮。



onClicked button1 (startNewGame table window)



onClicked button1 (do (startTimer box) (startNewGame table window))


onClicked button1 (startTimer box)

我想如何正确重启线程? 当我运行此代码时:

onClicked button1 (startTimer box)


    Couldn't match type `ThreadId' with `()'
    Expected type: IO ()
      Actual type: IO ThreadId
    In the return type of a call of `startTimer'
    In the second argument of `onClicked', namely `(startTimer box)'
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: onClicked button1 (startTimer box)



import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import SetTest
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Exit

main :: IO ()
main = do
     window <- windowNew
     set window [windowTitle := "Minesweeper",
                 windowDefaultWidth := 450, windowDefaultHeight := 200]

     box <- vBoxNew False 0
     containerAdd window box

     button1 <- buttonNewWithLabel "New game"                         
     boxPackStart box button1 PackGrow 0

     widgetShowAll window

     table   <- tableNew 5 5 True
     --onClicked button1 (do (startTimer box) (startNewGame table window))
     --onClicked button1 (startTimer box)
     onClicked button1 (startNewGame table window)
     startTimer box
     containerAdd window table
     startNewGame table window
     boxPackStart box table PackNatural 0
     widgetShowAll window
     onDestroy window mainQuit

startTimer :: BoxClass self => self -> IO ThreadId
startTimer box =  do 
                  timeLabel <- labelNew Nothing
                  boxPackStart box timeLabel PackNatural 0
                  forkIO $ do
                       printTime t = do{
                               threadDelay 1000000;
                               postGUIAsync $ labelSetText timeLabel (show t);
                               printTime (t+1)}
                   printTime 0

startNewGame:: (WidgetClass self, TableClass self1) => self1 -> self -> IO ()
startNewGame table window = let board = (SetTest.initialize 5 (5,5) (1,1)) :: MyBoard 
                            in checkStatusGame table board window   
:: (WidgetClass self, TableClass self1) =>
 self1 -> MyBoard -> self -> IO ()
checkStatusGame table board window 
                            | won board = do  
                                            cleanAndGenerateTable board table window True
                                            (dialogMessage "hurray hurray hurray" "Gratz, you won!!!")

                            | lost board = do 
                                             (dialogMessage "Baby rage window" "Soz, you lost...")  
                                             cleanAndGenerateTable board table window True
                            | otherwise =  (cleanAndGenerateTable board table window False)
cleanAndGenerateTable :: (WidgetClass self, TableClass self1) =>
 MyBoard -> self1 -> self -> Bool -> IO ()
cleanAndGenerateTable board table window finished = do 
                                            let fieldList = [(x,y) | x <- [0 .. (height board)] , y <- [0 .. (width board)] ]
                                            children <- containerGetChildren table
                                            mapM_ (\child -> containerRemove table child >> widgetDestroy child) children
                                            if finished
                                            then mapM_(generateTableFinished board table window) fieldList
                                            else mapM_ (generateTable board table window) fieldList
                                            widgetShowAll window  

generateTable board table window (x,y) 
                    | Set.member (x,y) (flaggedCells board) = createButton "flag.jpg" (x,y) table board window              
                    | Map.member (x,y) (clickedCells board) = createClickedButton (show (Map.findWithDefault (-1) (x,y) (clickedCells board))) (x,y) table                   
                    | otherwise = createButton "masked.png" (x,y) table board window

generateTableFinished board table window (x,y) 
                    | Set.member (x,y) (bombs board) = createButtonNoAction "bomb.jpg" (x,y) table board window                   
                    | Map.member (x,y) (clickedCells board) = createClickedButton (show (Map.findWithDefault (-1) (x,y) (clickedCells board))) (x,y) table                   
                    | otherwise = createClickedButton (show (Map.findWithDefault (-1) (x,y) (maskedCells board))) (x,y) table

createButtonNoAction pth (x,y) table board window = do 
                                     button <- buttonNew
                                     box   <- hBoxNew False 0
                                     image <- imageNewFromFile pth 
                                     boxPackStart box image PackRepel 0
                                     containerAdd button box
                                     tableAttachDefaults table button x (x+1) y (y+1)  

createClickedButton lbl (x,y) table = do 
                                     button <- buttonNew
                                     box   <- hBoxNew False 0
                                     label <- labelNew (Just lbl)
                                     boxPackStart box label PackRepel 0
                                     containerAdd button box
                                     tableAttachDefaults table button x (x+1) y (y+1)

createButton pth (x,y) table board window = do 
                                     button <- buttonNew
                                     box   <- hBoxNew False 0
                                     image <- imageNewFromFile pth 
                                     boxPackStart box image PackRepel 0
                                     containerAdd button box
                                     tableAttachDefaults table button x (x+1) y (y+1)  
                                     on button buttonReleaseEvent $ do 
                                                                      click <- eventButton
                                                                      liftIO $ case click of { LeftButton -> (checkStatusGame table (SetTest.click (x,y) board) window); RightButton -> (checkStatusGame table (SetTest.flag (x,y) board) window)  }
                                                                      return False
                                     return ()  

dialogMessage title msg =  do dialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [] MessageOther ButtonsOk msg
                              set dialog [windowTitle := title]
                              widgetShowAll dialog
                              dialogRun dialog
                              widgetDestroy dialog

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您想与计时器线程进行通信,则需要将其作为通信通道。这里startTimer :: BoxClass self => self -> MVar Integer -> IO ThreadId startTimer box timer = do timeLabel <- labelNew Nothing boxPackStart box timeLabel PackNatural 0 forkIO . forever $ do threadDelay 1000000 t <- takeMVar timer putMVar timer (t+1) postGUIAsync $ labelSetText timeLabel (show t) 似乎合适。


MVar的顶部,您现在可以使用timer <- newMVar 0创建一个新的startTimer,并将其传递给takeMVar timer >> putMVar timer 0。在按钮回调中,您可以getData重置计时器。