
时间:2015-08-14 10:53:55

标签: javascript angularjs angularjs-directive


index.html w / AngularJS Script Inline

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title> Angular Sample </title>
<body ng-app="demo" ng-controller="HomeController">

    <data-table data="collection"></data-table>

    <script src=""></script>
        var app = angular.module('demo', []);
        app.controller('HomeController', function ( $scope ) {
            $scope.collection = [
                { Experiment: 'CMS', 'LHC experiment ?': 'Yes', Type: 'General' },
                { Experiment: 'ATLAS', 'LHC experiment ?': 'Yes', Type: 'General' },
                { Experiment: 'LHCb', 'LHC experiment ?': 'Yes', Type: 'Specific' },
                { Experiment: 'ALICE', 'LHC experiment ?': 'Yes', Type: 'Specific' }

        app.directive('dataTable', function(){
            // The directive consists on an object that this function should return
            return {
                restrict: 'E', // define how the directive will be used
                // 'E' for element, 'A' for attribute and 'C' for class
                // 'EA' means element or attribute 
                templateUrl: 'data-table.html', // the template file
                // if specified, the content of the HTML element to which the directive
                // is applied will be overitten by this template
                scope: { // contains the data passed to the directive as attributes
                    data: '='
                // This function is executed when the directive is rendered
                link: function(scope){
                    // will refer the data passed to the directive
                    // Defining titles of the table as the properties of the first
                    // object in data, as we assume all objects have the same properties
                    scope.titles = [];
                    if( != undefined && > 0){
                        for(attr in[0]){


        <!-- We assume that the list of titles will be declared -->
        <th ng-repeat="title in titles"> {{ title }} </th>
        <!-- We assume that data is the collection of objects -->
        <tr ng-repeat="item in data">
            <td ng-repeat="title in titles"> {{ item[title] }} </td>

我正在使用Apache(localhost /../ index.html)浏览页面,因此angular应该能够使用AJAX加载模板。

Here is the code at Plunker

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

你必须重命名指令元素......不知何故,&#34;数据 - &#34;前缀搞砸事情和&#34; dataTable&#34;没有被角度识别......