
时间:2015-08-12 20:58:18

标签: xml powershell powershell-v2.0

我试图在PowerShell 2.0中只使用根元素创建一个XML对象 和根元素内的注释。



# Set env current directory to the same
# as pwd so file is save in pwd
# instead of saving to where the "Start in"
# field in the shortcut to powershell.exe"
# is pointing to
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $pwd

# Add a 1st comment inside <root> tag
$root = $xml.root
$com = $xml.CreateComment($root)
$com.InnerText = ' my 1st comment '

# This causes an error
#Method invocation failed because [System.String] doesn't contain a method named 'AppendComment'.
#At line:1 char:24
#+ $xml.root.AppendComment <<<< ($com)
#    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (AppendComment:String) [], RuntimeException
#    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound

# This doesn't have the <!-- ... --> part of the comment tag
# it has &lt;-- ... --&gt; instead
$xml.root = $com.OuterXml



<root><!-- my 1st comment --></root>


<root>&lt;!-- my 1st comment --&gt;</root>
<!-- my 1st comment -->

有没有办法在$com元素中添加<root> </root> 并使用CreateComment()

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$x = [xml]'<root></root>'
$c = $x.CreateComment('my comment')

# Output
# <root><!--my comment--></root>

答案 1 :(得分:0)

谢谢Brian: 我将您的代码添加到原始代码中以便它可以正常工 我还添加了&#34;创建根元素&#34;那 我忘记了原来的问题。

# Set env current directory to the same
# as pwd so file is save in pwd
# instead of saving to where the "Start in"
# field in the shortcut to powershell.exe"
# is pointing to
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $pwd

# Create the root element
$xml = New-Object XML
$el = $xml.CreateElement("root")

# Add a 1st comment inside <root> tag
$com = $xml.CreateComment(' my 1st comment ')


#What I get :)
#  <!-- my 1st comment -->