答案 0 :(得分:0)
您需要根据鼠标的x和amp;更改对象的颜色。 y相对于该对象的位置
//listen for the mouse move event
object.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler):
function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent){
//make a reference to the object that dispatched this event
var object:DisplayObject = e.currentTarget as DisplayObject;
//do your logic to determine the color based off the mouse position.
//get the percentage of the mouse postion from 0 - 1
var xPer:Number = e.localX / object.width;
var yPer:Number = e.localY / object.height;
//One way you could do this, is change the Red/Green/Blue based of the mouse position like so:
//create a color transformation object
var colorTransform = new ColorTransform(1,1,1,1,0xFF * xPer,0xFF * xPer,0xFF * yPer,1);
//OR, you could do it quadrant based like this:
var color:uint = 0; //black default
if(xPer >= .5 && yPer >= .5){
//if the mouse is on the right bottom side of the object
color = 0xFF0000; //make it red
if(xPer < .5 && yPer >=.5){
//if the mosue is on the left bottom of the object
color = 0x00FF00; //make it green
if(xPer >= .5 && yPer < .5){
//if mouse is on the top right side
color = 0x0000FF; //make it blue
if(xPer < .5 && yPer < .5){
//if mouse is on the top left side
color = 0xFF00FF; //make it purple
var colorTransformation = object.transform.colorTransform;
colorTransform.color = color;
//assign it to the object
object.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
//get a reference to the actual bitmap
//this assumes the bitmap is the bottom most child of the MovieClip container called obj
var bitmap:Bitmap = Bitmap(obj.getChildAt(0));
var bitmapData:BitmapData = bitmap.bitmapData;
//store the original pixel data
var originalPixels:ByteArray = bitmapData.getPixels(bitmap.getBounds(bitmap));
var rows:int = 3;
var rowHeight:Number = Math.ceil(bitmap.height / rows);
var curRow:int = -1;
var cols:int = 3;
var colWidth:int = Math.ceil(bitmap.width / cols);
var curCol:int = -1;
//listen for the mouse move event
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, restoreBitmap);
function restoreBitmap(e:Event = null):void {
//restore original
//if this function was triggered from the mouse event
curRow = -1;
curCol = -1;
originalPixels.position = 0;
function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent){
//figure out what row the mouse is in and make the row rectangle
var row:int = Math.floor(bitmap.y + e.localY / rowHeight);
var col:int = Math.floor(bitmap.x + e.localX / colWidth);
var rect:Rectangle;
//if either the row or column has changed, restore the pixels to original and draw new ones
if(row != curRow || col != curCol){
curCol = col;
rect = new Rectangle(curCol * colWidth, 0, colWidth, bitmap.height);
colorRect(bitmapData, rect,0x0000FF);
curRow = row;
rect = new Rectangle(0, row * rowHeight, bitmap.width, rowHeight);
colorRect(bitmapData, rect,0x00FF00);
function colorRect(bmd:BitmapData, rect:Rectangle, color:uint) {
var row:int = 0;
var col:int = 0;
while(row * col <= rect.width * rect.height){
bmd.setPixel(int(rect.x) + col, int(rect.y) + row, color);
//incriment the row/column
if (col < rect.width -1) {
}else {
col = 0;
,除非您转到位图的属性并告诉它 export for actionscript 。
此外,位图无法缩放。对包含位图的容器/ MovieClip进行任何缩放。
//get a reference to the actual bitmap
//this assumes the bitmap is the bottom most child of the MovieClip container called obj
var bitmap:Bitmap = Bitmap(obj.getChildAt(0));
var bitmapData:BitmapData = bitmap.bitmapData;
//clone it twice and add the clones to container (obj)
//also add mask objects
var cloneCol:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
var cloneColMask:Shape = new Shape();
cloneCol.mask = cloneColMask;
//tint the clones
var ct:ColorTransform = cloneCol.transform.colorTransform;
ct.color = 0x00FF00;
cloneCol.transform.colorTransform = ct;
var cloneRow:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
var cloneRowMask:Shape = new Shape();
cloneRow.mask = cloneRowMask;
ct.color = 0x0000FF;
cloneRow.transform.colorTransform = ct;
//setup your columns and rows
var rows:int = 3;
var rowHeight:Number = Math.ceil(bitmap.height / rows);
var curRow:int = -1;
var cols:int = 3;
var colWidth:int = Math.ceil(bitmap.width / cols);
var curCol:int = -1;
//listen for the mouse move event
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, restoreBitmap);
function restoreBitmap(e:Event = null):void {
function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent){
//figure out what row the mouse is in and make the row rectangle
var row:int = Math.floor(bitmap.y + e.localY / rowHeight);
var col:int = Math.floor(bitmap.x + e.localX / colWidth);
var rect:Rectangle;
if(row != curRow || col != curCol){
curCol = col;
cloneColMask.graphics.drawRect(curCol * colWidth, 0, colWidth, bitmap.height);
curRow = row;
cloneRowMask.graphics.drawRect(0, row * rowHeight, bitmap.width, rowHeight);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
非常感谢你 我还做了其他解决方案。我将图像分成不同的小部分,并将每个部分都按下按钮,然后在鼠标结束时更改每个按钮颜色