Java Control Panel --> Advanced Tab --> Advanced Security Settings
使用批处理文件,它是如何可行的?是否有Windows注册表编辑命令可用? 在分析中,我发现要执行此更改的deployment.properties文件是否要完成?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这是我用来打开Java CPL小程序的脚本,导航到“安全”选项卡并将网站添加到例外,然后导航到“高级”选项卡并切换&#34的复选框;使用SSL 2.0兼容的ClientHello格式"。它通过在Jscript中通过WshShell.SendKeys()
广泛使用键盘导航来实现这一点。它非常适合我的应用程序,因此您需要修改它以适合您自己的恶意计划。 See this page表示字符列表及其SendKeys等价物。
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
:: Save this as a .bat file.
:: begin batch portion
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: find newest javacpl.cpl
<NUL set /P "=Searching for Java Control Panel applet... "
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('dir /s /b "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\java\*javacpl.cpl"') do (
set "javacpl_test=%%I"
for /f "tokens=2 delims=.=" %%a in ('wmic datafile where "name='!javacpl_test:\=\\!'" get CreationDate /format:list ^| find "="') do (
set "created_test=%%a"
set "created_test=!created_test:~0,-4!"
if not defined created (
set "javacpl=!javacpl_test!"
set "created=!created_test!"
) else if !created_test! gtr !created! (
set "javacpl=!javacpl_test!"
set "created=!created_test!"
if not defined javacpl (
echo Not found. Is Java installed?
goto :EOF
) else (
setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
echo Found. Relax and enjoy the show!
:: relaunch self with JScript engine
cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0" "%javacpl%" "%cmdcmdline%"
:: end batch portion
goto :EOF
@end // end batch / begin JScript chimera
// launch Java control panel applet
var oShell = WSH.CreateObject('wscript.shell'),
cmd = oShell.Exec('cmd /c control "' + WSH.Arguments(0) + '"');
// function introduces a delay to slow down typing to 20 chars / sec
function kbd(arr) {
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
// wait for window to gain focus
while (!oShell.AppActivate('Java Control Panel')) { WSH.Sleep(500) }
// navigate to the fourth tab and activate "Edit Sites" button
// wait for exception list window to focus
while (!oShell.AppActivate('Exception Site List')) { WSH.Sleep(500) }
// activate "Add" button (has default focus -- exhibited weird behavior when trying to send Alt+a)
oShell.SendKeys(' ');
// Store added entry (Ctrl+Enter simulates OK button)
// wait for Java Control Panel to regain focus
while (!oShell.AppActivate('Java Control Panel')) { WSH.Sleep(500) }
// move focus within cpl window back to tab row
// navigate to next tab, focus listbox, enter first few letters of "Advanced Security Settings"
// to scroll down, select the fourth check box and activate it, then Ctrl+Enter to save.
kbd(['{RIGHT}','{TAB}','a','d','v','{DOWN}','{DOWN}','{DOWN}','{DOWN}',' ','^~']);
// if double-clicked, delete self
if (!/^cmd \/c/i.test(WSH.Arguments(1))) {
WSH.Echo("Done. I guess everything went OK. Who knows? *shrug*");
} else {
var FSO = new ActiveXObject('scripting.filesystemobject');
// FSO.DeleteFile(WSH.ScriptFullName);
WSH.Echo("Pretending to delete self... done. That was fun.");