我很难理解为什么当我在任何状态下按下刷新按钮时,它总会重新加载游戏状态。状态之间的唯一区别是游戏状态在成功登录后加载了state.go(' games')。当按下刷新按钮时,我必须添加/更改状态才能重新加载状态。
game.config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('signUp', {
url: '/signUp',
templateUrl: 'templates/signUp.html'
$stateProvider.state('login', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: 'templates/login.html'
$stateProvider.state('games', {
url: '/games',
templateUrl: 'templates/games.html'
$stateProvider.state('dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: 'templates/dashboard.html',
controller: 'dashboard.controller'
$stateProvider.state('createGame', {
url: '/createGame',
templateUrl: 'templates/createGame.html'
// $stateProvider.state('viewGame', {
// url: '/viewGame',
// templateUrl: 'templates/viewGame.html',
// controller: 'viewGame.controller'
// });
games.controller('games.controller', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'Auth', '$firebaseArray','Fire', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, auth, $firebaseArray, fire) {
$scope.games = $firebaseArray(fire.child('games'));
// $scope.players = $firebaseArray(fire.child('players'));
$scope.view = 'listView';
$scope.setCurrentGame = function(game) {
$scope.currentGame = game;
$scope.createGame = function() {
if ($scope.format == 'Match Play') {
$scope.skinAmount = 'DOES NOT APPLY';
$scope.birdieAmount = 'DOES NOT APPLY';
name: $scope.gameName,
host: $scope.user.name,
date: $scope.gameDate,
location: {
course: $scope.courseName,
address: $scope.courseAddress
rules: {
amount: $scope.gameAmount,
perSkin: $scope.skinAmount,
perBirdie: $scope.birdieAmount,
format: $scope.format,
holes : $scope.holes,
time: $scope.time
$scope.check = function(game) {
$scope.addPlayer = function(game) {
var ref = fire.child('players').child(game.$id);
id : $scope.user.id,
name : $scope.user.name,
email : $scope.user.email
// swap DOM structure in games state
$scope.changeView = function(view){
$scope.view = view;
games.controller('app.controller', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'Auth', 'Fire', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, auth, fire) {
$scope.user = {
email : '',
password : ''
$scope.signUp = function() {
.then(function(userData) {
// After successful signup save a user record to users under their auth ID
name : $scope.user.name,
email : $scope.user.email,
joined : Date.now()
console.log("User " + userData.uid + " created successfully!");
.catch(function(error) {
console.error("Error: ", error);
$scope.login = function() {
auth.$authWithPassword($scope.user).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Authentication failed:", error);
$scope.logout = function() {
window.location = '/';
auth.$onAuth(function(authData) {
if (authData) {
$scope.activeUser = authData;
// After user logs in find user record by auth id
fire.child('users').child(authData.uid).on('value', function(snapshot) {
// Checks if user exsists
if (snapshot.exists()) {
// sets scope user to the user data
$scope.user = snapshot.val();
// sets scope user id to the auth id
$scope.user.id = snapshot.key();
console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);
} else {
$scope.activeUser = false;
// $scope.user = '';
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