import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MulticastChatLahettaja implements Runnable {
//this bool keeps the while-loops running
public static boolean paalla = true;
Thread t;
public MulticastChatLahettaja(){
t = new Thread(this, "ABC");
public void run(){
//Here inside the loop it would try to receive packets from the
//socket and print them
while (paalla){
//test chat lines
System.out.println("user1: some chat lines, mumble mumble...");
//Put the thread to sleep for 5s to prevent spamming
//when testing
} catch (InterruptedException e){
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Around here it connects to the MulticastSocket
String ip = "";
int portti = 6666;
Console console = System.console();
//Enters name
String nimi = console.readLine("Syota Nimi:");
//start Thread
new MulticastChatLahettaja();
System.out.println("Liityttiin ip: "+ip+", porttiin: "+Integer.toString(portti)+", nimella: "+nimi);
System.out.println("Sulje asiakas syottamalla ':quit'");
try {
//In here I'm waiting for the input and sending it to the Socket
while (paalla) {
String syote = console.readLine(nimi+": ");
//If input is ":quit" it stops the loops and application closes
if (syote.equals(":quit")) paalla = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
答案 0 :(得分:0)
You can implement this on the command line but it is hard. When a chat comes in, you can print a "\r" which is a CR and takes the cursor to the start of the line, draw the chat from the remote user, and then redraw the prompt and the input the user has entered.
The problem is that you would need to be able to see each user input character and by default, all applications start in "line mode". See: How to read a single char from the console in Java (as the user types it)?
There is no good portable solution for doing this but if you are just running on Linux or MacOS there are ways to get it to work.