<form action="" method="post">
<select name="city">
$city = mysql_query("SELECT * from add_city ");/**select city from city table**/
while($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($city)){
$city_idd= $list['city_id'];
<option value="<?php echo $list['city_id']; ?>"><?php echo $list['city']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<select name="year">
$year = mysql_query("SELECT * from year");/**select city from Year table**/
while($lyear = mysql_fetch_assoc($year)){
$lyear2= $lyear['year'];
$idyear= $lyear['id'];
<option value="<?php echo $lyear2; ?>"><?php echo $lyear2; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<input type="submit" value="Chart" name="view_chart">
<?php if(isset($_POST['view_chart']) == "Chart")
{ $dYear= $_POST['year'];
$dDaysOnPage = 37;
$dDay = 1;
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th><?php echo $dYear; ?></th>
function FriendlyDayOfWeek($dayNum) {
// converts the sunday to 7
// This function can be removed in php 5 by - date("N"),
// just remove function calls below and replace by swapping date("w" for date("N"
if ($dayNum == 0){ return 7; } else { return $dayNum; }
for ($mC=1;$mC<=12;$mC++) {
$currentDT = mktime(0,0,0,$mC,$dDay,$dYear);
echo "<tr><td class='monthName'><div>".date("F",$currentDT)."</div></td>";
$daysInMonth = date("t",$currentDT);
echo InsertBlankTd(FriendlyDayOfWeek(date("w",$currentDT))-1);
for ($i=1;$i<=$daysInMonth;$i++) {
$exactDT = mktime(0,0,0,$mC,$i,$dYear);
$get=mysql_query("select * from add_value where city_id='$scityid'");/**get data from datatable table**/
$ddate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($get_result['date']));
echo $ddate;
if($ddate == $currentDT)
$events = $get_result['value'];
if ($i==date("d")&&date("m",$currentDT)==date("m")) { $class="currentDay"; } else { $class = ""; }
echo "<td class='".$class." days day".FriendlyDayOfWeek(date("w",$exactDT))."'>".$i.$events."</td>";
echo "<td class='".$class." days day".FriendlyDayOfWeek(date("w",$exactDT))."'>".$i."</td>";
echo InsertBlankTd($dDaysOnPage - $daysInMonth - FriendlyDayOfWeek(date("w",$currentDT))+1);
echo "</tr>";
<?php }
function InsertBlankTd($numberOfTdsToAdd) {
for($i=1;$i<=$numberOfTdsToAdd;$i++) {
$tdString .= "<td></td>";
return $tdString;