这可能是一些基本错误,但我正在观看教程,即使我认为我在提交登录表单后完成了我应该做的一切,但我被重定向到" failureRedirect"页。当我看护照模块中的源代码时,我有所收获。
Strategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req, options) {
options = options || {};
var username = lookup(req.body, this._usernameField) || lookup(req.query, this._usernameField);
var password = lookup(req.body, this._passwordField) || lookup(req.query, this._passwordField);
//I added:
console.log("U-> " + username);
console.log("P-> " + password);
U-> null
P-> null
if (!username || !password) {
return this.fail({ message: options.badRequestMessage || 'Missing credentials' }, 400);
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
function(username, password, done){
console.log("passport.use new LocalStrategy"); //never gets executed
User.getUserByUsername(username, function(err, user){
if (err) throw err;
if(!user) {
console.log("Unknown user");
return done(null, false, {message: "Uknkown User"});
User.comparePassword(password, user.password, function(err, isMatch){
if (err) throw err;
if (isMatch) {
return done(null, user);
} else {
console.log("invalid Pass");
return done(null, false, {message: "Invalid Password"});
router.post("/login", passport.authenticate("local", {failureRedirect:"/users/login/err", failureFlash:"invalid username or pass"}), function(req, res){
console.log("Authenticated OK");
req.flash("success", "You are logged in");
答案 0 :(得分:2)
我不确定您正在执行的确切实施。您可能正在使用原型模式覆盖身份验证功能。 但是,使用Passportjs进行身份验证很简单。我最近在我的项目中做了一个。请通过以下链接了解我自己实施Passportjs的经验 I have a well documented artcile that i wrote on my tech blog. Hope this helps you
// complete code for the exmaple node rest api authentication using passport
var express = require('express');
var passport = require('passport');
var passportHttp = require('passport-http');
var basicStrategy = passportHttp.BasicStrategy; // using the basic authentication
var app = express();
res.send("There you go");
app.use(passport.initialize()); // initialize and use it in express
passport.use(new passportHttp.BasicStrategy(function(username,password,done) {
if(username === password){
done(null,username); //null means no error and return is the username
return done(null,'there is no entry for you!'); // null means nothing to say,
//no error. 2nd is the custom statement business rule
// this function hits first when there is an API call.
function ensureAuthenticated(req,res,next){
// next redirects the user to the next api function waiting to be executed in the express framework
res.sendStatus(403); //forbidden || unauthorized
// this means all the API calls that hit via mydomain.com/api/ uses this authentication.
//session is false, because its a HTTP API call.
// setting this helps passport to skip the check if its an API call or a session web call
// this is served the user once the authentication is a susccess
var somevalue = [{name: 'foo'},
{name: 'bar'},
{name: 'baz'}];
console.log('listening to port on ' + 3250);