我试图在Alloy中生成两组类,例如,在重构之前的类 重构应用程序后的应用程序和类。 假设在第一组中我们有以下类:
ALeft -> BLeft -> CLeft
Class2 -> Class3
-> Class4
意味着ALeft是BLeft的父级,而BLeft又是CLeft,Class1和的父级 Class2,它又是Class3和Class4的父级。
另一方面,按照同样的推理,我们在第二集中了 以下一组课程:
ARight -> BRight -> CRight
Class2' -> Class3'
-> Class4'
由于每组代表 同一类但按时间顺序不同(不同的状态),有必要保证相应的 等价,如Class1和Class1'等价意味着它们具有相同的字段,方法等(考虑到重构只发生 在B和C类)。出于同样的原因,Class2和Class2',Class3和Class3',Class4和Class4'也是等价的。另外,我们应该在Left和Right类中的方法之间具有等价性。例如,如果我们有一个Left类方法,如:
public int leftClassMethod(){
new ALeft().other();
public int rightClassMethod(){
new ARight().other();
abstract sig Id {}
sig ClassId, MethodId,FieldId extends Id {}
one sig public, private_, protected extends Accessibility {}
abstract sig Type {}
abstract sig PrimitiveType extends Type {}
one sig Long_, Int_ extends PrimitiveType {}
sig Class extends Type {
id: one ClassId,
extend: lone Class,
methods: set Method,
fields: set Field,
sig Method {
id : one MethodId,
param: lone Type,
return: one Type,
acc: lone Accessibility,
b: one Block
sig Block {
statements: one SequentialComposition
sig SequentialComposition {
first: one StatementExpression,
rest: lone SequentialComposition
abstract sig Expression {}
abstract sig StatementExpression extends Expression {}
sig MethodInvocation extends StatementExpression{
pExp: lone PrimaryExpression,
id_methodInvoked: one Method
sig AssignmentExpression extends StatementExpression {
pExpressionLeft: one FieldAccess,
pExpressionRight: one {Expression - newCreator - VoidMethodInvocation - PrimaryExpression - AssignmentExpression }
abstract sig PrimaryExpression extends Expression {}
sig this_, super_ extends PrimaryExpression {}
sig newCreator extends PrimaryExpression {
id_cf : one Class
sig FieldAccess {
pExp: one PrimaryExpression,
id_fieldInvoked: one Field
sig Left,Right extends Class{}
one sig ARight, BRight, CRight extends Right{}
one sig ALeft, BLeft, CLeft extends Left{}
pred law6RightToLeft[] {
pred twoClassesDeclarationInHierarchy[] {
no disj x,y:Right | x.id=y.id
Right.*extend & Left.*extend=none
one r: Right | r.extend= none
one l:Left| l.extend=none
BRight in CRight.extend
BLeft in CLeft.extend
ARight in BRight.extend
ALeft in BLeft.extend
#(extend.BRight) > 2
#(extend.BLeft) > 2
#(extend.ARight) = 1
#(extend.ALeft) = 1
all m:Method | m in ((*extend).ALeft).methods => m !in ((*extend).ARight).methods
all m:Method | m in ((*extend).ARight).methods => m !in ((*extend).ALeft).methods
some Method
all r:Right | all l:Left| (r.extend= none and l.extend=none) implies classesAreTheSameAndSoAreTheirCorrespondingSons[r,l]
pred classesAreTheSameAndSoAreTheirCorrespondingSons[right,left: Class]{
all r: right.^~extend | one l :left.^~extend | classesAreTheSame[r,l] and classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
all l:left.^~extend | one r :right.^~extend | classesAreTheSame[r,l] and classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
pred classesAreTheSame[r,l: Class]{
#r.methods = #l.methods
all mr: r.methods | one ml: l.methods | mr.id = ml.id && mr.b != ml.b
all mr: l.methods | one ml: r.methods | mr.id = ml.id && mr.b != ml.b
all r1: r.methods, r2: l.methods | r1.id = r2.id =>
equalsSeqComposition[r1.b.statements, r2.b.statements]
pred equalsSeqComposition[sc1, sc2: SequentialComposition]{
equalsStatementExpression[sc1.first, sc2.first]
//#sc1.(*rest) = #sc2.(*rest)
pred equalsStatementExpression [s1, s2: StatementExpression]{
s1 in AssignmentExpression => (s2 in AssignmentExpression && equalsAssignment[s1, s2])
s1 in MethodInvocation => (s2 in MethodInvocation && equalsMethodInvocation[s1, s2])
s1 in VoidMethodInvocation => (s2 in VoidMethodInvocation && equalsVoidMethodInvocation[s1, s2])
pred equalsAssignment [ae, ae2:AssignmentExpression]{
equalsPrimaryExpression[(ae.pExpressionLeft).pExp, (ae2.pExpressionLeft).pExp]
equalsPExpressionRight[ae.pExpressionRight, ae2.pExpressionRight]
pred equalsPrimaryExpression[p1, p2:PrimaryExpression]{
p1 in newCreator => p2 in newCreator && equalsClassesId [p1.id_cf, p2.id_cf]
p1 in this_ => p2 in this_
p1 in super_ => p2 in super_
pred equalsPExpressionRight[e1, e2:Expression]{
e1 in LiteralValue => e2 in LiteralValue
e1 in MethodInvocation => e2 in MethodInvocation && equalsMethodInvocation[e1, e2]
pred equalsMethodInvocation[m1, m2:MethodInvocation]{
equalsPrimaryExpression[m1.pExp, m2.pExp]
m1.id_methodInvoked.id = m2.id_methodInvoked.id
m1.param = m2.param
pred equalsVoidMethodInvocation[m1, m2:VoidMethodInvocation]{
equalsPrimaryExpression[m1.pExp, m2.pExp]
m1.id_voidMethodInvoked.id = m2.id_voidMethodInvoked.id
m1.param = m2.param
run law6RightToLeft for 10 but 17 Id, 17 Type, 17 Class
答案 0 :(得分:3)
只有在没有执行递归深度的情况下,才可以在Alloy中递归调用函数和谓词:Programming recursive functions in alloy
pred classesAreTheSameAndSoAreTheirCorrespondingSons[right,left: Class]{
all r: right.^~extend | one l :left.^~extend | classesAreTheSame[r,l] and classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
all l:left.^~extend | one r :right.^~extend | classesAreTheSame[r,l] and classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
这个谓词强制执行左右两个类是相同的,并且任何继承(直接或间接)右/左的类在l / r继承(直接或间接)的类中都有一个计数器部分左/右,分别为。
检查classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
abstract sig Class {
id: Int,
extend: lone Class
this not in this.^@extend
sig Left,Right extends Class{}
no disj x,y:Right | x.id=y.id
Right.*extend & Left.*extend=none
one r: Right | r.extend= none
one l:Left| l.extend=none
all r:Right | all l:Left| (r.extend= none and l.extend=none) implies classesAreTheSameAndSoAreTheirCorrespondingSons[r,l]
pred classesAreTheSameAndSoAreTheirCorrespondingSons[right,left: Class]{
all r: right.^~extend | one l :left.^~extend | classesAreTheSame[r,l] and classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
all l:left.^~extend | one r :right.^~extend | classesAreTheSame[r,l] and classesAreTheSame[r.extend ,l.extend]
pred classesAreTheSame[r,l: Class]{
run {} for exactly 10 Class