
时间:2015-08-07 12:05:39

标签: javascript jquery node.js algorithm tree





我希望能够选择一个节点并让应用程序输出到该节点的最有效路由,包括所有依赖项。例如,如果我想进入屏蔽技术1,它将输出: 研究实验室1 - >研究实验室2 - >研究实验室3 - >研究实验室4 - >研究实验室5 - >研究实验室6 - >能源技术1 - >能源技术2 - >能源技术3 - >屏蔽技术1




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

依赖结构不是树,它是directed acyclic graph或DAG:

  • 定向:边缘从一个节点到另一个节点,因此有方向;
  • 非循环:没有周期;
  • 图形:节点可以有多个传入边缘(与不同,它们最多只有一个父节点)。


您正在寻找的是{"目标"的depth-firstbreadth-first遍历。节点。 (在您的示例图像中,您将沿着边缘向后移动。)

你想要哪一个?这取决于你想要优先考虑的事项:深度优先将倾向于首先完成链(例如RL1 - > RL2 - > ... - > ET1 - > ET2 - > ...如您提议的& #34; route"),而广度优先将倾向于完成"等级"首先(例如RL1 - > ET1 - > RL2 - > ET2 - > ...)

答案 1 :(得分:1)


如果您只是搞乱有向图,我想出了我自己的“俱乐部级”解决方案,它可能没有采用最佳实践,并且在生产代码中使用时有点过于粗略(除非你知道)你在做什么)。可能会对我写的内容进行一些改进。 警告经理!

首先,我创建了一个数组来表示有向无环图(或“DAG”)中的每个单独节点,并为每个节点分配一个唯一的ID。 ID对应于其在nodes数组中的位置。

var nodes = [];

        Name: "Research Lab 1",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Research Lab 2",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Computer Technology 1",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Energy Technology 1",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Combustion Drive 1",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Energy Technology 2",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Computer Technology 8",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Impulse Drive 1",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Research Lab 3",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null
        Name: "Armor Technology 1",
        Adjacencies: [],
        ID: null

for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
    nodes[i]["ID"] = i;

<小时/> 枚举节点后,必须建立节点之间的父/子(或尾/头)关系。我使用术语“邻接”来指代两个节点之间的父/子关系。 1

首先,我创建了一个函数来填充节点对象的Adjacencies属性 - 最终将用于创建基于nodes数组的邻接矩阵。

Array.prototype.addAdjacency = function (tail, head) {
    var thisNode = findNode(tail);

// This will return the node object with a given name:
function findNode(name) {
    return $.grep(nodes, function (n) {
        return n.Name == name


nodes.addAdjacency("Research Lab 1", "Research Lab 2");
nodes.addAdjacency("Research Lab 1", "Computer Technology 1");
nodes.addAdjacency("Research Lab 1", "Energy Technology 1");
nodes.addAdjacency("Research Lab 2", "Impulse Drive 1");
nodes.addAdjacency("Research Lab 2", "Research Lab 3");
nodes.addAdjacency("Research Lab 2", "Armor Technology 1");
nodes.addAdjacency("Computer Technology 1", "Computer Technology 8");
nodes.addAdjacency("Computer Technology 1", "Impulse Drive 1");
nodes.addAdjacency("Energy Technology 1", "Combustion Drive 1");
nodes.addAdjacency("Energy Technology 1", "Energy Technology 2");
nodes.addAdjacency("Energy Technology 1", "Impulse Drive 1");

adjacency matrix是一个二维数组,显示DAG中每个节点之间的每个尾部/头部关系 - 这是一种额外的便利。在我的实施中,如果adjacencyMatrix[0][3] === true,则nodes[0]nodes[3]的父级(换句话说,“研究实验室1”是“能源技术1”的父级)。

function isAdjacent(tail, head) {
    return tail["Adjacencies"].indexOf(head.Name) != -1;

var adjacencyMatrix = populateAdjacencyMatrix(nodes);

function populateAdjacencyMatrix(vertices) {

    var matrix = new Array(vertices.length);

    for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
        matrix[i] = new Array(vertices.length);

    for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) {
            if (isAdjacent(vertices[i], vertices[j])) {
                matrix[i][j] = true;
            } else {
                matrix[i][j] = false;

    return matrix;


var pathsToNode = [];

// ... e.g. the node at index 7, or "Impulse Drive 1":
findPathTo(nodes[7], []);

function findPathTo(node, path) {
    var nodeID = node["ID"];
    var parentNodeIndices = [];
    var currentNodeIsRootNode = true;

    // A new array based off of the path argument needs to be created, or else things get a little wacky with the scope.
    var currentPath = new Array();

    for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {

    // Next, add the node in this context to the 'current path'.

    // Note that if there are no paths leading up to this node, then it's the first node in the directed path.
    for (var i = 0; i < adjacencyMatrix[0].length; i++) {
        var matrixValue = adjacencyMatrix[i][nodeID];
        if (matrixValue === true) {
            currentNodeIsRootNode = false;

    // Finally, if the node in /this/ recursive context is a "root" node (i.e. it has no parents),
    // then add the entire path to the list of paths to the original node.
    if (currentNodeIsRootNode) {
        //console.log(" ");
        //console.log("Adding path to paths array:")
        //console.log("This is now what the paths array looks like:")
    } else {
        // Otherwise, get all of the indices of the 'parent' nodes (relative to the node in this recursive context),
        // and recursively find the parent nodes of each.

        //console.log(" ");
        //console.log("Recursing findPathTo function.  Next nodes:")
        //console.log("Current path:")
        for (var i = 0; i < parentNodeIndices.length; i++) {
            findPathTo(nodes[parentNodeIndices[i]], currentPath);


最后,给定nodes[7],我们有一个名为pathsToNode的数组数组,其中填充了从“根”节点到给定节点的有序节点路径。像[1, 3, 5]这样的路径意味着nodes[1]nodes[3]的父级,nodes[3]nodes[5]的父级。

希望这会有所帮助,欢呼! :)

1 这可能是该术语的错误用法。