我需要将XML文件重新格式化为.CSV。 我已经在Excel中打开了XML并进行了一些格式化,但现在我真的需要编写一个宏来使数据成形。我已经开始了,我的循环逻辑确实存在问题。
列表中有几千篇文章,其中包含可变数量的子文章。 每个子粒子作为相同数量的属性但不是每篇文章都具有相同的属性。
到目前为止我的代码看起来像这样: Option Explicit
Dim rowCount As Long, articleCount As Long, propertyCount As Integer, name As String
Sub Sortfunction()
rowCount = 1
articleCount = 0
propertyCount = 0
Do While Sheets("Test").Cells(rowCount, 1).Value <> "end"
If Cells(rowCount, 1).Value = "Reference" Then
rowCount = rowCount + 1
Do While Cells(rowCount, 3).Value = ""
If Cells(rowCount, 3).Value = "4" Then
End If
articleCount = articleCount + 1
articleCount = articleCount + 1
End If
rowCount = rowCount + 1
Sheets("result").Cells(1, 1).Value = rowCount
Sheets("result").Cells(2, 1).Value = articleCount
End Sub
有人可以提供一些帮助吗?我真的不是最好的程序员: - / 我真的很感激我能得到的任何帮助: - )
答案 0 :(得分:0)
更新:它比我想象的更棘手......我不得不重写代码。 主要问题是“如何决定何时更改列”。
Public Sub test()
' Set the range to navigate in your first sheet
Dim cell As Range: Set cell = Sheets("Feuil1").Range("A1")
' set the range to navigate in your result sheet
Dim res As Range: Set res = Nothing
' pos will be used to know the position of a product
Dim lastProperties As Range, posProperties As Range
' While the cell value is not "end"
Do While cell <> "end"
' if the cell is a reference
If cell = "Reference" Then
' Set the range of res
If res Is Nothing Then
Set res = Sheets("Feuil2").Range("A1")
Set res = Sheets("Feuil2").Range("A" & lastProperties.offset(2).Row)
End If
' I set Offset(2) so you will have an empty line between 2 references
' Set the text of the new reference in the result
res = cell.offset(, 1) ' The reference is the cell 1 offset the right of the cell "Reference"
' WARNING : here no writing of titles anymore. It'll be done in the "Else".
' Here you just write "new reference" and reinit var
' Here we have a property
' If the property alreay exist, consider it a new product in the reference
' When we are on a new property, the column of the product if the next to the right
If GetProperties(cell.offset(, 3), res, posProperties) Then
Set lastProperties = posProperties
End If
posProperties = cell.offset(, 4)
End If
' BIG FORGET: you have to get the next cell
Set cell = cell.offset(1)
End Sub
Private Function GetProperties(ByVal propValues As String, ByVal start As Range, ByRef position As Range) As Boolean
Set position = start.offset(1)
' Is the cell below the properties ? Return the row below
' Search for the first "empty row" on the line
If position = propValues Then
Set position = position.offset(, 1)
Loop While Trim(position) <> ""
' Indicate it's an existing value
GetProperties = True
Exit Function
End If
' Is the range empty ?
If Trim(position) = "" Then
' Create the new properties
position = propValues
Set position = position.offset(, 1)
GetProperties = False
Exit Function
End If
' Search the properties in the row below
GetProperties = GetProperties(propValues, position, position)
End Function