Can I have a Guice abstract module with a constructor & local instance to provide a dynamic binding?

时间:2015-08-07 02:44:59

标签: java dependency-injection inversion-of-control guice

Can I have a Guice abstract module with a constructor & local instance to provide a dynamic binding? Can a Guice module have a constructor?

I understand that using providers/factory builder are better way, but in my case, I would end up creating n-providers or factory builder with concrete logic (nearly a hundred) for doing the same.

public class MyDynamicModule extends AbstractModule{
  private NeededInterface imp;

  public MyDynamicModule(NeededInterface neededImplimentation){
    this.imp = neededImplimentation;

  protected void configure() {
     *1000s of other binding configuration which are not related to the discussion**/

I know the alternatives, but I need to know if having this piece of code is wrong? If it is, I need to do a major revamp to replace just this one line of code, which in-turn would be a huge overhead for my application.

I needed to find a way to dynamically add a bind-configuration to an existing module. From performance point of view, the above logic seemed simple and straight forward.

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