我的Visual Studio应用程序的用户可能会单击按钮将应用程序恢复为出厂默认设置。在工厂,我们配置应用程序,然后单击另一个按钮将该配置设置为出厂默认设置为当前配置设置。
但是,如果我们将配置设置(XML格式)保存到settings.settings,它们将存储在我们自己的用户文件夹中(而不是Visual Studio项目文件夹中),并且用户不会收到它们。< / p>
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Yep App设置或滚动自己是我们过去处理此问题的方式。将System.Configuration的引用添加到项目中,然后使用以下命令:
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Set("lang", "English"); //Set
string getLang = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["lang"]; //Get
<add key="lang" value="English"/>
答案 1 :(得分:1)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
public static class ConfigHub
#region State
private static string WorkingDirectoryVar = null;
private static string ConfigFileNameVar = null;
private static bool AutoRefreshVar = true;
private static bool VerboseVar = true;
private static bool SetupExecutedVar = false;
private static XmlDocument ConfigDocVar = new XmlDocument();
private static Dictionary<string, string> ConfigLookupPair = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private static Object ConfigHubLock = new Object();
private const string CommentNameVar = "#comment";
#region Property
public static bool Verbose
get { return VerboseVar; }
set { VerboseVar = value; }
public static bool AutoRefresh
get { return AutoRefreshVar; }
set { AutoRefreshVar = value; }
public static bool SetupExecuted
get { return SetupExecutedVar; }
public static string ConfigFilePath
get { return WorkingDirectoryVar + @"\" + ConfigFileNameVar; }
public static string ConfigFileName
get { return ConfigFileNameVar; }
public static string WorkingDirectory
get { return WorkingDirectoryVar; }
#region Setup
public static void Setup()
lock (ConfigHubLock)
//Initialize config with default
WorkingDirectoryVar = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
ConfigFileNameVar = "SCW.Config.xml";
SetupExecutedVar = true;
public static void Setup(string configFileName)
lock (ConfigHubLock)
//Initialize config with specified file
WorkingDirectoryVar = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
ConfigFileNameVar = configFileName.Trim().ToLower().Replace(".xml", "") + ".xml";
SetupExecutedVar = true;
#region Merchant
public static void SetValue(string key, string value)
//Fail if setup hasn't been called
if (!SetupExecutedVar) throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.NotSetup, "Setup must be called before using the ConfigHub", null);
lock (ConfigHubLock)
//Set the value
bool foundNode = false;
foreach (XmlNode configNode in ConfigDocVar.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
if (configNode.Name.Trim().ToLower() == key.Trim().ToLower())
configNode.InnerXml = value.Trim();
foundNode = true;
if (!foundNode)
XmlNode newNode = ConfigDocVar.CreateNode("element", key.Trim(), "");
newNode.InnerXml = value.Trim();
//Save the config file
ConfigDocVar.Save(WorkingDirectoryVar + @"\" + ConfigFileNameVar);
catch (Exception err)
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.SetValue, "Set value failed", err);
public static string GetValue(string key)
//Fail if setup hasn't been called
if (!SetupExecutedVar) throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.NotSetup, "Setup must be called before using the ConfigHub", null);
if (AutoRefreshVar) RefreshConfiguration();
lock (ConfigHubLock)
//Get and return the value
if (AutoRefreshVar) RefreshConfiguration();
if (ConfigLookupPair.ContainsKey(key.Trim().ToLower()))
return ConfigLookupPair[key.Trim().ToLower()];
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.NoKeyFound, "The key " + key + " was not found", null);
catch (Exception err)
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.GetValue, "Get value failed", err);
public static void RefreshConfiguration()
//Fail if setup hasn't been called
if (!SetupExecutedVar) throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.NotSetup, "Setup must be called before using the ConfigHub", null);
//Load configuration from file
ConfigDocVar.Load(WorkingDirectoryVar + @"\" + ConfigFileNameVar);
List<string> duplicateCheck = new List<string>();
foreach (XmlNode configNode in ConfigDocVar.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes)
if (configNode.Name.Trim().ToLower() == CommentNameVar)
//Ignore the Comment
if (duplicateCheck.Contains(configNode.Name.Trim().ToLower()))
//Duplicate key failure
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.DuplicateKey, "The key " + configNode.Name.Trim() + " appears multiple times", null);
//Add configuration key value pair
if (!ConfigLookupPair.ContainsKey(configNode.Name.Trim().ToLower()))
ConfigLookupPair.Add(configNode.Name.Trim().ToLower(), configNode.InnerXml.Trim());
ConfigLookupPair[configNode.Name.Trim().ToLower()] = configNode.InnerXml.Trim();
catch (Exception err)
//Look form root missing and multiple roots
if (err.ToString().ToLower().Contains("root element is missing"))
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.NoRootFound, "No configuration root found", err);
else if (err.ToString().ToLower().Contains("multiple root elements"))
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.MultipleRoots, "Multiple configuration roots found", err);
throw ConfigHubException.BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType.Refresh, "Refresh failed", err);
#region Exception
public enum ConfigHubExceptionType { NotSetup, Setup, Refresh, DuplicateKey, NoKeyFound, SetValue, GetValue, NoRootFound, MultipleRoots }
public class ConfigHubException : Exception
public ConfigHubException(ConfigHubExceptionType errType, string message) : base("#" + errType.ToString() + "-" + message + (ConfigHub.ConfigFilePath != @"\" ? " (" + ConfigHub.ConfigFilePath + ")" : "")) { }
public ConfigHubException(ConfigHubExceptionType errType, string message, Exception innerException) : base("#" + errType.ToString() + "-" + message + (ConfigHub.ConfigFilePath != @"\" ? " (" + ConfigHub.ConfigFilePath + ")" : ""), innerException) { }
public static ConfigHubException BuildException(ConfigHubExceptionType exceptionType, string message, Exception innerException)
if (!ConfigHub.Verbose || innerException == null) return new ConfigHubException(exceptionType, message);
else return new ConfigHubException(exceptionType, message, innerException);
请注意。您需要首先在项目中构建文件并删除XML标头。如下所示(例如:MyConfigFile.xml) - 顶部没有xml标签,如()。最后,确保将xml配置文件设置为始终复制: