使用cmd提示符,我尝试使用 findstr 功能从txt文件输出某些条件。 我的txt文件包含.exe名称列表,包括注释。有很多 - 我只想解析" name.exe"每一行。 以下是txt文件中不同行的示例
C:\\Programme\\Windows Media Player\\mplayer2.exe""=dword:00000000
其中,我只想要" mplayer2.exe"和" hopster.exe"要包含在打印输出中。 相反,我收到了这个:
脚本:findstr "*.exe" Exies.txt
.\Exies.txt:""C:\\Programme\\Windows Media Player\\mplayer2.exe""=dword:00000000
.\Exies.txt:HOPSTER.EXE; Hopster
我能够使用此脚本提取一些项目,findstr /e ".exe"
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS C:\> select-string -Path Exies.txt -Pattern "([a-z0-9]+)\.exe" -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value }
PS C:\>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
- arks,所以不要对程度感到震惊。)
最棘手的部分是使偏移位置超出" .exe"用于正确截断从Exies.txt
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem regular expression for `findstr` which means:
rem a string consisting of a sub-string with at least one character,
rem NOT containing any of '\?*/:<>"', followed by ".exe";
rem such strings are considered as valid executable file names
set REGEX="[^\\?\*/:<>|\""]*[^\\?\*/:<>|\""]\.exe"
rem parse the output of `findstr` with a `for /F` loop
rem (note that `findstr` is told to do case-insensitive searches)
for /F "tokens=*" %%F in ('findstr /I /R %REGEX% Exies.txt 2^> nul') do (
rem assign a single matching line to variable `LINE`
set "LINE=%%F"
rem call sub-routine to retrieve length of string portion after the
rem (first) occurrence of ".exe"; the length is also equal to the
rem character offset of the string portion after the ".exe" occurrence
call :STRLEN "!LINE:*.exe=!" LEN > nul
rem use another `for` loop to truncate `LINE` after ".exe";
rem so afterwards we have everything up to the ".exe" portion
for %%A in (!LEN!) do (
set "LINE=!LINE:~,-%%A!"
) & rem next %%A
rem replace double-quotes '"' and colons ':' by backslashes '\'
set "LINE=!LINE:"=\!
set "LINE=!LINE::=\!"
rem wrap around another `for` loop to extract the file name portion
rem (this is done to remove any paths from the "*.exe" file name)
for %%B in ("!LINE!") do (
set "LINE=%%~nxB"
) & rem next %%B
rem safety check if extracted "*.exe" file name still matches the
rem regular expression (necessary if ".exe" occurs twice in a line)
echo !LINE! | findstr /I /R %REGEX% > nul 2>&1
if not ErrorLevel 1 (
rem output final "*.exe" file name
echo !LINE!
) & rem end if
) & rem next %%F
exit /B
rem this constitutes a sub-routine to get the length of a string
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "STR=%~1"
if "%STR%" EQU "" (
set /A LEN=0
) else (
set /A LEN=1
for %%I in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
if not "!STR:~%%I!" EQU "" (
set /A LEN+=%%I
set "STR=!STR:~%%I!"
) & rem end if
) & rem next %%I
) & rem end if
endlocal & set /A LEN=%LEN%
if not "%~2" EQU "" set %~2=%LEN%
echo %LEN%
exit /B
出现一次; \?*/:<>|"
; \