
时间:2015-08-05 08:14:38

标签: python list nltk


import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
test = "Hello, this is my sentence. It is a very basic sentence with not much information in it"
test = test.upper()
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(test)
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(tokens)
common = fdist.most_common(100)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

en_stopws = stopwords.words('english')  # this loads the default stopwords list for English
en_stopws.append('spam')  # add any words you don't like to the list

test = "Hello, this is my sentence. It is a very basic sentence with not much information in it but a lot of spam"
test = test.lower()  # I changed it to lower(), since stopwords are all lower case
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(test)
tokens = [token for token in tokens if token not in en_stopws]  # filter stopwords
fdist = FreqDist(tokens)
common = fdist.most_common(100)


答案 1 :(得分:2)


<强> 1。读入FreqDist并使用lambda函数


<强> 2。阅读FreqDist并使用字典理解对其进行过滤

>>> import nltk
>>> text = "Hello, this is my sentence. It is a very basic sentence with not much information in it"
>>> tokenized_text = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
>>> stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
>>> word_freq = nltk.FreqDist(tokenized_text)
>>> dict_filter = lambda word_freq, stopwords: dict( (word,word_freq[word]) for word in word_freq if word not in stopwords )
>>> filtered_word_freq = dict_filter(word_freq, stopwords)
>>> len(word_freq)
>>> len(filtered_word_freq)
>>> word_freq
FreqDist({'sentence': 2, 'is': 2, 'a': 1, 'information': 1, 'this': 1, 'with': 1, 'in': 1, ',': 1, '.': 1, 'very': 1, ...})
>>> filtered_word_freq
{'information': 1, 'sentence': 2, ',': 1, '.': 1, 'much': 1, 'basic': 1, 'It': 1, 'Hello': 1}


>>> word_freq
FreqDist({'sentence': 2, 'is': 2, 'a': 1, 'information': 1, 'this': 1, 'with': 1, 'in': 1, ',': 1, '.': 1, 'very': 1, ...})
>>> filtered_word_freq = dict((word, freq) for word, freq in word_freq.items() if word not in stopwords)
>>> filtered_word_freq 
{'information': 1, 'sentence': 2, ',': 1, '.': 1, 'much': 1, 'basic': 1, 'It': 1, 'Hello': 1}