我有一个带有模态窗口的Bootstrap网页,它有两个标签。模态窗口中有两种动态形式。我使用this code来克隆每个表单中的字段,每个选项卡都有两个脚本,但它对我不起作用。我可以从一个表单中查看字段,克隆字段但是当我点击第二个表单时,表单不会改变,我只能看到第一个选项卡中的字段。怎么办呢?
$(function() {
var clone = function(tmpl) {
return $((tmpl.clone()).html())
$template = $('#template_add_form'),
formArray = [ clone($template) ], // init array with first row
$formEntries = $('#entries');
$(document).on('click', '.btn-add', function() {
// set focus to adding row = last element in array
// remove not working yet
$(document).on('click', '.btn-remove', function(evt) {
var id;
// iterate over formArray to find the currently clicked row
$.each(formArray, function(index, row) {
//console.log(index, row.has(evt.currentTarget).length);
if ( row.has(evt.currentTarget).length == 1 ) {
id = index; // click target in current row
return false; // exit each loop
//console.log('clicked', id);
formArray.splice(id, 1);
var updateForm = function() {
// redraw form --> problem values are cleared!!
var lastIndex = formArray.length - 1,
name; // stores current name of input
$formEntries.empty(); // clear entries from DOM becaue we re-create them
$.each(formArray, function(index, $input) {
//console.log(index, $input);
// update names of inputs and add index
//console.log('inputs', $input.find('input'));
$.each($input.find('input'), function(inputIndex, input) {
name = $(input).attr('name').replace(/\d+/g, ''); // remove ids
$(input).attr('name', name + index);
if (index < lastIndex) {
// not last element --> change button to minus
.html('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>');
updateForm(); // first init. of form
$('form#loanform').submit(function(evt) {
var fields = $(this).serializeArray();
$.each(fields, function(index, field) {
//if ( field.name == 'extra' ) {
// console.log('extra', field.name, field.value);
// }
if ( field.name.contains('material') )
{ // field.name contains balance
console.log('material', field.name, field.value);
// now you can do your calculation
if ( field.name.contains('cena') )
{ // field.name contains balance
console.log('cena', field.name, field.value);
// now you can do your calculation
if ( field.name.contains('kol') )
{ // field.name contains balance
console.log('kol', field.name, field.value);
// now you can do your calculation
HTML First Form
<!-- script id="template_add_form" type="text/template" -->
<div class="entry input-group triple-input">
<select class="form-control" name="material" >
<select class="form-control" name="cena" >
<input type="text" placeholder="..." name="kol" class="form-control" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-add" type="button" name="button" id="cloneButton"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>
<form method="post" id="loanform" role="form" autocomplete="off">
<div id="entries"></div>
对于第二种形式,我更改了字段的ID名称,HTML和脚本中ID div的名称(例如 template_add_form 到 template_rab_form 和条目< / em>到 rab )我只在两个标签上获得第一个表单。
if ( field.name.contains('name') )
console.log('name', field.name, field.value);
// now you can do your calculation