
时间:2015-08-04 03:36:30

标签: haskell types polymorphism ghc


newtype PlayerHandle = PlayerHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype MinionHandle = MinionHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype WeaponHandle = WeaponHandle Int deriving (Show)

在以下代码中,我希望handle 完全三种类型中的一种:PlayerHandleMinionHandleWeaponHandle。这可以在Haskell中做到吗?

data Effect where
    WithEach :: (??? handle) => [handle] -> (handle -> Effect) -> Effect -- Want `handle' to be under closed set of types.


data Effect' where
    WithEachPlayer :: [PlayerHandle] -> (PlayerHandle -> Effect) -> Effect
    WithEachMinion :: [MinionHandle] -> (MinionHandle -> Effect) -> Effect
    WithEachWeapon :: [WeaponHandle] -> (WeaponHandle -> Effect) -> Effect



type family IsHandle h :: Constraint where
    IsHandle (PlayerHandle) = ()
    IsHandle (MinionHandle) = ()
    IsHandle (WeaponHandle) = ()

data Effect where
    WithEach :: (IsHandle handle) => [handle] -> (handle -> Effect) -> Effect

enactEffect :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect (WithEach handles cont) = forM_ handles $ \handle -> do
    print handle  -- Eeek! Can't deduce Show, despite all cases being instances of Show.
    enactEffect $ cont handle


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

我认为您可以使用closed constraint类型系列精确地获取语法:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds, GADTs #-}

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

newtype PlayerHandle = PlayerHandle Int
newtype MinionHandle = MinionHandle Int
newtype WeaponHandle = WeaponHandle Int

type family IsHandle h :: Constraint where
    IsHandle (PlayerHandle) = ()
    IsHandle (MinionHandle) = ()
    IsHandle (WeaponHandle) = ()

data Effect where
    WithEach :: (IsHandle handle) => [handle] -> (handle -> Effect) -> Effect


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds, GADTs,
             UndecidableInstances #-}

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import Control.Monad (forM_)

newtype PlayerHandle = PlayerHandle Int
newtype MinionHandle = MinionHandle Int
newtype WeaponHandle = WeaponHandle Int

type family IsHandle' h :: Constraint where
    IsHandle' (PlayerHandle) = ()
    IsHandle' (MinionHandle) = ()
    IsHandle' (WeaponHandle) = ()

type IsHandle h = (IsHandle' h, Show h)

data Effect where
    WithEach :: (IsHandle handle) => [handle] -> (handle -> Effect) -> Effect

-- Assume my each (IsHandle a) already is an instance of a class I want to use, such as (Show).
enactEffect :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect (WithEach handles cont) = forM_ handles $ \handle -> do
    print handle  -- (*)
    enactEffect $ cont handle



  • 您可以IsHandleIsHandle'Show等作为超级班级。{/ li>
  • 您可以将IsHandle'作为一个类,在这种情况下,防止添加更多类型的唯一方法就是不导出IsHandle'


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ConstraintKinds #-}

class IsHandle' h
instance IsHandle' (PlayerHandle)
instance IsHandle' (MinionHandle)
instance IsHandle' (WeaponHandle)

type IsHandle h = (IsHandle' h, Show h)

答案 1 :(得分:7)


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module GADThandle where

import Control.Monad

newtype PlayerHandle = PlayerHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype MinionHandle = MinionHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype WeaponHandle = WeaponHandle Int deriving (Show)

data HandleW a where
   WPlayer :: HandleW PlayerHandle
   WMinion :: HandleW MinionHandle
   WWeapon :: HandleW WeaponHandle

handlewShow :: HandleW a -> (Show a => b) -> b
handlewShow WPlayer x = x
handlewShow WMinion x = x
handlewShow WWeapon x = x

data Effect where
   WithEach :: HandleW handle -> [handle] -> (handle -> Effect) -> Effect 

enactEffect :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect (WithEach handlew handles cont) = handlewShow handlew $ 
   forM_ handles $ \handle -> do
      print handle
      enactEffect $ cont handle

这里的想法是使用类型见证HandleW a,证明a是您的三种类型之一。然后,“引理”handlewShow证明如果HandleW a成立,那么a必须是Show能力类型。

也可以将上面的代码概括为任意类型的类。下面的引理证明,如果您的三种类型c T中的每一种都T,并且您知道HandleW a成立,那么c a也必须保留。您可以通过选择c = Show来获取上一个引理。

handlewC :: (c PlayerHandle, c MinionHandle, c WeaponHandle) => 
   HandleW a -> Proxy c -> (c a => b) -> b
handlewC WPlayer Proxy x = x
handlewC WMinion Proxy x = x
handlewC WWeapon Proxy x = x

enactEffect' :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect' (WithEach handlew handles cont) = handlewC handlew (Proxy :: Proxy Show) $ 
   forM_ handles $ \handle -> do
      print handle
      enactEffect' $ cont handle

答案 2 :(得分:4)


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs          #-}

import Control.Monad

data Entity = Player | Minion | Weapon

newtype Handle (e :: Entity) = Handle Int
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

data Effect where
    WithEach :: [Handle e] -> (Handle e -> Effect) -> Effect

enactEffect :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect (WithEach handles cont) = forM_ handles $ \handle -> do
    print handle
    enactEffect $ cont handle

答案 3 :(得分:2)



import Control.Monad

newtype PlayerHandle = PlayerHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype MinionHandle = MinionHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype WeaponHandle = WeaponHandle Int deriving (Show)

class (Show h) => Handle h
instance Handle PlayerHandle
instance Handle MinionHandle
instance Handle WeaponHandle

data Effect where
    WithEach :: (Handle handle) => [handle] -> (handle -> Effect) -> Effect

enactEffect :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect (WithEach handles cont) = forM_ handles $ \handle -> do
    print handle
    enactEffect $ cont handle

答案 4 :(得分:2)


{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, GADTs, RankNTypes, DataKinds #-}

data K = Player | Minion | Weapon
  deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype PlayerHandle = PlayerHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype MinionHandle = MinionHandle Int deriving (Show)
newtype WeaponHandle = WeaponHandle Int deriving (Show)

-- Plain ADT might be enough
-- see below
data Handle (k :: K) where
  PlayerHandle' :: PlayerHandle -> Handle Player
  MinionHandle' :: MinionHandle -> Handle Minion
  WeaponHandle' :: WeaponHandle -> Handle Weapon

data SomeHandle where
  SomeHandle :: Handle k -> SomeHandle

data Effect where
  WithEach :: (SomeHandle -> IO ()) -> Effect

printEffect :: Effect
printEffect = WithEach f
  where f (SomeHandle h) = g h
        g :: Handle k -> IO ()
        g (PlayerHandle' p) = putStrLn $ "player :" ++ show p
        g (MinionHandle' p) = putStrLn $ "minion :" ++ show p
        g (WeaponHandle' p) = putStrLn $ "weapon :" ++ show p

-- GADTs are useful, if you want to have maps preserving handle kind:
data HandleMap where
  -- HandleMap have to handle all `k`, yet cannot change it!
  HandleMap :: (forall k. Handle k -> Handle k) -> HandleMap

zeroWeaponHandle :: HandleMap
zeroWeaponHandle = HandleMap f
  where f :: forall k. Handle k -> Handle k
        f (PlayerHandle' h) = PlayerHandle' h
        f (MinionHandle' h) = MinionHandle' h
        f (WeaponHandle' _) = WeaponHandle' $ WeaponHandle 0

答案 5 :(得分:1)



{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

data Player
data Minion
data Weapon

data Handle a where
    PlayerHandle :: Int -> Handle Player
    MinionHandle :: Int -> Handle Minion
    WeaponHandle :: Int -> Handle Weapon

data Effect where
    WithEach :: [Handle h] -> (Handle h -> Effect) -> Effect
    PrintSecret :: Handle h -> Effect

-- Pretend the below code is a separate file that imports the above data types

class ObtainSecret a where
    obtainSecret :: a -> String

instance ObtainSecret (Handle a) where
    obtainSecret = \case
        PlayerHandle n -> "Player" ++ show n
        MinionHandle n -> "Minion" ++ show n
        WeaponHandle n -> "Weapon" ++ show n

enactEffect :: Effect -> IO ()
enactEffect = \case
    WithEach handles continuation -> mapM_ (enactEffect . continuation) handles
    PrintSecret handle -> putStrLn (obtainSecret handle)

createEffect :: [Handle h] -> Effect
createEffect handles = WithEach handles PrintSecret

main :: IO ()
main = do
    enactEffect $ createEffect $ map PlayerHandle [0..2]
    enactEffect $ createEffect $ map MinionHandle [3..5]
    enactEffect $ createEffect $ map WeaponHandle [6..9]