我试图为我的GTK Haskell绑定安装glade。 cabal安装无法解决依赖关系,尝试安装解压缩版本会出现此错误:
SetupWrapper.hs:118:28: Warning:
In the use of `configCompiler'
(imported from Distribution.Simple.Configure):
Deprecated: "'configCompiler' is deprecated. Use 'configCompilerEx' instead."
[1 of 2] Compiling Gtk2HsSetup ( Gtk2HsSetup.hs, dist\setup-wrapper\Gtk2HsSetup.o )
Couldn't match expected type `IO
with actual type `FilePath
-> PackageDB
-> IO Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo.InstalledPackageInfo'
Probable cause: `generateRegistrationInfo' is applied to too few arguments
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref
In the expression:
do { installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref;
dllsInScope <- getSearchPath >>= (filterM doesDirectoryExist)
>>= getDlls;
let libs = fixLibs dllsInScope (extraLibraries installedPkgInfoRaw)
installedPkgInfo = ...;
case () of {
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> die "Generate Reg File not supported"
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace packageDbs } }
Couldn't match type `[Char]' with `Bool'
Expected type: Bool
Actual type: FilePath
In the 7th argument of `generateRegistrationInfo', namely
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref