create table foos (id integer(11), name varchar(255))
create table bars (id integer(11), name varchar(255))
create table foo_bars (foo_id integer(11), bar_id integer(11)
foo_id FK foos(id)
bar_id FK bars(id)
POST /foo/:fooid/bar (to create fooid, barid)
PUT /foo/:fooid/bar/:barid (to update fooid, barid)
DELETE /foo/:fooid/bar/:barid (to delete a foo_id, bar_id combination)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// check out some books from the library
POST /checkouts
{ "userId":25, "bookIds": [ 12, 45, 341 ] }
// renew the checkout for another month
PUT /checkouts
"user": "/users/25",
"book": "/books/12",
"dueBack": 1438612187,
"returned": false,
// get all books currently checked out by Bob
GET /checkouts?userId=25&returned=false
"checkouts" : [ {
"user": "/users/25",
"book": "/books/12",
"dueBack": 1438612187,
"returned": false,
// find the checkout history of War and Peace
GET /checkouts?bookId=12