Android Facebook Log in suddenly stopped working

时间:2015-07-31 20:30:59

标签: android facebook facebook-graph-api parse-platform

I'm using Facebook log in to create accounts on my parse DB. Today it stopped working. I tried to create new accounts with older versions of my app an it's still giving my this:

W/ParseLoginFragment﹕ Facebook login failed, exception: com.parse.ParseRequest$ParseRequestException: custom service is not a supported service.

It worked fine for more than 2 months. Help!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是facebook上的一个小错误。 Parse SDK。我也遇到了问题并在Parse Framework中提到了它:!topic/parse-developers/AipY_BZofzk。现在应该修复:)至少在iOS中它可以再次使用。