We are creating a "twitter clone" using Angular JS and Rails postgresql backend. We have a form to submit new content for a tweet. We have been using AngularJS Resource to grab jSON objects. This is the form below:
<section id="tweet-box" ng-controller="TweetController" action="/tweets" method="post">
<p id="tweet-box-title">Compose New Tweet</p>
<form id="tweet-form" ng-submit="addTweet()">
<textarea id="new-tweet" cols="30" rows="5" maxlength="140" name="tweet" ng-model="content"></textarea>
<button type="submit" value="Tweet">Add Tweet</button>
Here is our AngularJS Code. tweetApp is our entire App; the factory grabs our 50 most recent Tweets as jSON. The addTweet() function is what we're trying to have save our data to our database.
var tweetApp = angular.module("tweetApp", ['ngResource']);
tweetApp.factory("RecentTweets", function($resource)
return $resource("/tweets/recent");
tweetApp.controller("TweetController", function($scope, RecentTweets)
$scope.tweets = RecentTweets.query(function(data)
$scope.addTweet = function(){
if ($scope.content){
$scope.tweet = new Tweet();
$scope.tweet.content = $scope.content;
// Tweet.save($scope.tweet);
$scope.tweet.$save(function(msg, header){
$scope.content = null;
At the very end, $save vs .save both come up as not a function in our console. We have tried Tweet.save as well as $scope.content.$save as well as other iterations. Please advise. Thanks!