
时间:2015-07-31 15:46:54

标签: powershell remote-registry

运行代码时,我从powershell收到转换错误。我得到了一个"无法转换参数" 0",有价值:"无论用户是什么的sid",对于OpenRemoteBasekey。任何人都可以看看我的代码,看看我哪里出错了?


echo "What is the User name?"  

$user = [Console]::ReadLine()

#Convert Given username into an SID variable
$sid = ([wmi]"win32_userAccount.Domain='mydomain',Name='$user'").sid

echo "What is it's ip address?" 

#This can be an ip address or a host name
$ipuser = [Console]::ReadLine() 

Write-Host "Check 1"

#Get Local printers   
$Printers = @(Get-WmiObject win32_printer -computername $ipuser | Select Name)

#Get Network Printers 

$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey( $sid, $ipuser)

$RegKey = $Reg.OpenSubkey('Printers\Settings') 
$Printers += @($RegKey.GetValueNames())

#Output List of Printer
Write-Output $Printers |
  ft -Property @{Name="Printer Name"; Expression={$_.Name}} -AutoSize

#Get Default Printer
$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($sid, $ipuser)
$RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey('Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows')
$DefaultPrinter = $RegKey.GetValue("Device")

#Output the Default Printer
Write-Output $DefaultPrinter |
  ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Name, Provider, Order |
  Select Name |
  ft -Property @{Name="Default Printer Name";Expression={$_.Name}} -AutoSize

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


PSRemoteRegistry和Active Directory

创建一个文本文件,其中包含要获取映射的网络打印机信息的计算机名称列表 执行脚本,系统将提示您输入包含列表的文本文件的路径 通过对每台计算机进行ping操作,将验证每台计算机的连接性 通过WMI,它将检查哪个用户登录到响应ping的计算机 接下来,它将查询Active Directory以获取当前登录到其中一个轮询的活动计算机的每个用户的SID 使用用户SID创建远程注册表查询以枚举已登录用户的映射网络打印机列表。

包含映射打印机列表的日志文件和CSV文件位于C:\ temp \ logs
中 文件名:
MappedPrinters-(currentdate).csv - 包含映射打印机列表 NoMappedPrinters-(currentdate).log - 包含未在其计算机上映射网络打印机的用户列表。
NoReply-(currentdate).csv - 包含未响应ping的计算机列表 NoUsrLoggedIn-(currentdate).log - 包含响应ping但没有用户登录的计算机列表。
RemoteRegNotRunning-(currentdate).log - 包含远程注册表服务未运行的计算机列表。
WmiError-(currentdate).log - 如果有计算机无法通过wmi连接,则会在此处列出。

function global:Ping-Host {   

    PROCESS {  
    $results = gwmi -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '$_'"  
    $obj2 = New-Object psobject  
    $obj2 | Add-Member Noteproperty Computer $_  
    $obj2 | Add-Member Noteproperty IPAddress ($results.protocoladdress)  

    if ($results.statuscode -eq 0) {  
    $obj2 | Add-Member NoteProperty Responding $True  
    } else {  
    $obj2 | Add-Member NoteProperty Responding $False  
    Write-Output $obj2  

END {}  

function VerifyConnectivity {  
param (  
$modeMSG = "Verifying Connectivity to Desktops"  
$HostComputer = @()  
$d = Get-Date  
$strDate = $d.ToString()  
$month = $d.Month  
$day = $d.Day  
$year = $d.Year  
$cDate = "$month-$day-$year"  
$logFilePath = "C:\temp\logs\"  
$NoReplyLog = $logFilePath + "NoReply-" + $cDate + ".csv"  
$i = 1  
$numComp = $compList.Count  
If ($numComp -ge 1){  
Talk $modeMSG  
$HostComputer = $HostComputer + $(  
foreach ($computer in $compList){  
Write-Progress -Activity $modeMSG -Status "Currently Processing: $computer" -CurrentOperation "$i of $numComp" -PercentComplete ($i/$numComp*100)  
$computer | Ping-Host  
$i = $i + 1  


ElseIf ($numComp -lt 1){  
Write-Host "No Computers to Process"  
END {  
$Alive = $HostComputer | Where {$_.Responding -eq "$true"}  
$global:Dead = $HostComputer | Where {$_.Responding -ne "$true"}  
$global:Dead | select Computer | Export-Csv -Path $NoReplyLog  
$Acomp = $Alive | select Computer  


function GetPrinterInfo {  
param (  
$d = Get-Date  
$strDate = $d.ToString()  
$month = $d.Month  
$day = $d.Day  
$year = $d.Year  
$cDate = "$month-$day-$year"  
$global:logFilePath = "C:\temp\logs\"  
$NoPrtMapLog = $logFilePath + "NoMappedPrinters-" + $cDate + ".log"  
$WmiErrorLog = $logFilePath + "WmiError-" + $cDate + ".log"  
$MappedPrinters = $logFilePath + "MappedPrinters-" + $cDate + ".csv"  
$NoUsrLoggedIn = $logFilePath + "NoUsrLoggedIn-" + $cDate + ".log"  
$RemoteRegNotRunning = $logFilePath + "RemoteRegNotRunning-" + $cDate + ".log"  
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'  
Import-Module activedirectory  
Import-Module psremoteregistry  
$global:wmiErrors = @()  
$global:NoUserLoggedIn = @()  
$CompUserInfo = @()  
$arrCompLogonInfo = @()  
$arrRemoteRegSvcStopped = @()  
$arrNoMappedPrinters = @()  
$arrMappedPrinters = @()  
$statusMSG = "Getting Logged on User Information"  
$statusMSG2 = "Getting User SID from Active Directory"  
$statusMSG3 = "Collecting Mapped Printer Information"  
$u = 1  
$Responded = VerifyConnectivity $compList  
if ($Responded.count -gt 0){  
Talk $statusMSG  
foreach ($client in $Responded){  
[string]$c = $client.Computer  
$numClient = $Responded.Count  
$logonInfo = $null  
Write-Progress -Activity $statusMSG -Status "Currently Processing: $c" -CurrentOperation "$u of $numClient" -PercentComplete ($u/$numClient*100)    
$logonInfo = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $c -Query "select * from win32_computersystem" | select Username  
if ($?){  
    if ($logonInfo.Username -ne $null){  
        [string]$strUserName = $logonInfo.Username  
        $arrStrUserName = $strUserName.Split("\")  
        $strUser = $arrStrUserName[1]   
        $objCUinfo = New-Object psobject  
        $objCUinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Workstation $c  
        $objCUinfo | Add-Member NoteProperty User $strUser  
        $CompUserInfo = $CompUserInfo + $objCUinfo              
    elseif ($logonInfo.Username -eq $null){  
    $global:NoUserLoggedIn = $global:NoUserLoggedIn + $c  
else {  
    $global:wmiErrors = $global:wmiErrors + "Could not Execute WMI Query to collect user logon information on $c"  
$u = $u + 1  
if ($CompUserInfo.Count -ge 1){  
    $u = 1  
    Talk $statusMSG2  
    foreach ($logon in $CompUserInfo){  
    [string]$userLN = $logon.User  
    $userCount = $CompUserInfo.count  
    [string]$wrksta = $logon.Workstation  
    Write-Progress -Activity $statusMSG2 -Status "Currently Processing: $userLN" -CurrentOperation "$u of $userCount" -PercentComplete ($u/$userCount*100)  
    $getSID = Get-ADUser -Identity $userLN | select SID  
    if ($?){  
        [string]$sid = $getSID.sid  
        $LoggedOnUserInfo = New-Object psobject  
        $LoggedOnUserInfo | Add-Member Noteproperty Workstation $wrksta  
        $LoggedOnUserInfo | Add-Member Noteproperty User $userLN  
        $LoggedOnUserInfo | Add-Member Noteproperty SID $sid  
        $arrCompLogonInfo = $arrCompLogonInfo + $LoggedOnUserInfo  
    $u = $u + 1  
if ($arrCompLogonInfo.count -ge 1){  
    $u = 1  
    Talk $statusMSG3  
    foreach ($comp in $arrCompLogonInfo){  
    $numT = $arrCompLogonInfo.Count  
    $Printers = $null  
    [string]$cn = $comp.Workstation  
    [string]$usid = $comp.sid  
    [string]$uName = $comp.User  
    Write-Progress -Activity $statusMSG3 -Status "Currently Processing: $cn" -CurrentOperation "$u of $numT" -PercentComplete ($u/$userCount*100)  
    $regStat = Get-Service -ComputerName $cn -Name "RemoteRegistry"  
    If ($?){  
        If ($regStat.Status -eq "Running"){  
            $Printers =  Get-RegKey -ComputerName $cn -Hive "Users" -Key "$usid\Printers\Connections" -Recurse  
            If ($Printers -ne $null){  
            foreach ($printer in $Printers){  
            [string]$printerKey = $printer.key  
            $arrPrinterKey = $printerKey.Split("\")  
            $PrinterNamePiece = $arrPrinterKey[3]  
            $arrPrinterParts = $PrinterNamePiece.Split(",")  
            $printServer = $arrPrinterParts[2]  
            $PrinterName = $arrPrinterParts[3]  
            $PrinterUnc = "\\$printServer\$PrinterName"  
            $printInfo = New-Object psobject  
            $printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty Workstation $cn  
            $printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty User $uName  
            $printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty PrintServer $printServer  
            $printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty PrinterName $PrinterName  
            $printInfo | Add-Member NoteProperty PrinterUNC $PrinterUnc  
            $arrMappedPrinters = $arrMappedPrinters + $printInfo  
            ElseIf ($Printers -eq $null){  
                $arrNoMappedPrinters = $arrNoMappedPrinters + "$uName has no mapped printers on $cn"  
        ElseIf ($regStat.Status -eq "Stopped"){  
            $arrRemoteRegSvcStopped = $arrRemoteRegSvcStopped + $cn  
    $u = $u + 1  


END {  
$arrMappedPrinters | Export-Csv -Path $MappedPrinters  
Add-Content $NoPrtMapLog $arrNoMappedPrinters  
Add-Content $WmiErrorLog $wmiErrors  
Add-Content $NoUsrLoggedIn $global:NoUserLoggedIn  
Add-Content $RemoteRegNotRunning $arrRemoteRegSvcStopped  

function Talk {  
 param (  
 Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech  
 $synthesizer = New-Object -TypeName System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer  


$getPath = $(Read-Host "Enter path to the text file that contains the list of Computer Names`n")  
if ($getPath -like "*.txt"){  
$valid = Test-Path -Path $getPath  
if ($valid -eq $true){  
    $compList = get-content -Path $getPath   
    GetPrinterInfo $compList  
    Write-Host "The Script Output is located in $logfilepath"  


Else {  
Write-Host "Path to file is not valid" -ForegroundColor Red  
Elseif ($getPath -notlike "*.txt"){  
Write-Host "Path to file is not valid"  


答案 1 :(得分:0)


$hkcu = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::CurrentUser
$Reg  = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($hkcu, $ipuser)