实例应该得到满足。即使我明确添加了" non-deducible"实例约束中字符的实例字符,我仍然得到错误。这是一个错误吗?我该如何解决这个问题?
Windows GHC版本7.8.3
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Test where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Internal.Zoom
import Control.Monad.State
newtype Engine st m a = Engine {
unEngine :: StateT st m a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState st, MonadTrans, MonadIO)
type instance Zoomed (Engine st m) = Focusing m
-- Same error message even with: (Monad m, MonadState st' (Engine st' m)) =>
instance (Monad m) => Zoom (Engine st m) (Engine st' m) st st' where
zoom l = Engine . zoom l . unEngine
Could not deduce (mtl-
st' (Engine st' m))
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
from the context (Monad m)
bound by the instance declaration at Test.hs:22:10-62
In the instance declaration for
Zoom (Engine st m) (Engine st' m) st st'
Could not deduce (Zoomed (StateT st' m) ~ Focusing m)
from the context (Zoomed (Engine st m) ~ Zoomed (Engine st' m),
mtl- st (Engine st m),
st' (Engine st' m),
Monad m)
bound by the instance declaration at Test.hs:22:10-62
Relevant bindings include
l :: LensLike' (Zoomed (Engine st m) c) st' st
(bound at Test.hs:23:10)
zoom :: LensLike' (Zoomed (Engine st m) c) st' st
-> Engine st m c -> Engine st' m c
(bound at Test.hs:23:5)
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `zoom l'
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `zoom l . unEngine'
In the expression: Engine . zoom l . unEngine
Could not deduce (Zoom (StateT st m) (StateT st' m) st st')
arising from a use of `zoom'
from the context (Zoomed (Engine st m) ~ Zoomed (Engine st' m),
mtl- st (Engine st m),
st' (Engine st' m),
Monad m)
bound by the instance declaration at Test.hs:22:10-62
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `zoom l'
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `zoom l . unEngine'
In the expression: Engine . zoom l . unEngine
Could not deduce (Zoomed (StateT st m) ~ Focusing m)
from the context (Zoomed (Engine st m) ~ Zoomed (Engine st' m),
mtl- st (Engine st m),
st' (Engine st' m),
Monad m)
bound by the instance declaration at Test.hs:22:10-62
Expected type: LensLike' (Zoomed (StateT st m) c) st' st
Actual type: LensLike' (Zoomed (Engine st m) c) st' st
Relevant bindings include
l :: LensLike' (Zoomed (Engine st m) c) st' st
(bound at Test.hs:23:10)
zoom :: LensLike' (Zoomed (Engine st m) c) st' st
-> Engine st m c -> Engine st' m c
(bound at Test.hs:23:5)
In the first argument of `zoom', namely `l'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `zoom l'
答案 0 :(得分:4)
您的代码适用于我,也适用于GHC 7.8.3。但是,请仔细查看错误消息:
Could not deduce (mtl-
st' (Engine st' m))
等显式包标识符通常不包含在错误中。当它们 时,这意味着GHC已经加载了两个不同版本的包,具有相同名称但不同的类型和类。在这种情况下,一个可能由lens