
时间:2015-07-30 14:59:51

标签: c arrays pointers struct

我一直在研究一些不是我的C代码,并且在学习C的过程中也是如此。但是我现在卡住的代码对我来说太过分了。我知道这对于这里的专家来说是一个微不足道的问题。 我所拥有的是嵌套结构,我需要为其赋值。以下是代码:


struct _str{
    char* s; /**< string as char array */
    int len; /**< string length, not including null-termination */

typedef struct _str str;
typedef str* db_key_t;

typedef enum {
    DB_INT,        /**< represents an 32 bit integer number      */
    DB_BIGINT,     /**< represents an 64 bit integer number      */
    DB_DOUBLE,     /**< represents a floating point number       */
    DB_STRING,     /**< represents a zero terminated const char* */
    DB_STR,        /**< represents a string of 'str' type        */
    DB_DATETIME,   /**< represents date and time                 */
    DB_BLOB,       /**< represents a large binary object         */
    DB_BITMAP      /**< an one-dimensional array of 32 flags     */
} db_type_t;

typedef struct {
    db_type_t type; /**< Type of the value                              */
    int nul;        /**< Means that the column in database has no value */
    int free;       /**< Means that the value should be freed */
    /** Column value structure that holds the actual data in a union.  */
    union {
        int           int_val;    /**< integer value              */
        long long     bigint_val; /**< big integer value          */
        double        double_val; /**< double value               */
        time_t        time_val;   /**< unix time_t value          */
        const char*   string_val; /**< zero terminated string     */
        str           str_val;    /**< str type string value      */
        str           blob_val;   /**< binary object data         */
        unsigned int  bitmap_val; /**< Bitmap data type           */
    } val;
} db_val_t;
typedef struct db_row {
    db_val_t* values;  /**< Columns in the row */
    int n;             /**< Number of columns in the row */
} db_row_t;
struct db_row;
typedef struct db_res {
    struct {
        db_key_t* names;   /**< Column names                    */
        db_type_t* types;  /**< Column types                    */
        int n;             /**< Number of columns               */
    } col;
    struct db_row* rows;   /**< Rows                            */
    int n;                 /**< Number of rows in current fetch */
    int res_rows;          /**< Number of total rows in query   */
    int last_row;          /**< Last row                        */
} db_res_t;


    #include "Util.h"
    #include "cJSON.h"
    int main(void)
        char *json = "[{\"domain\":\"\",\"username\":\"user1\",\"expires\":123},{\"domain\":\"\",\"username\":\"user2\",\"expires\":123}]";

    db_res_t *result = NULL;
    int i=0;

    i = parse_json_to_result(json, &result);
 ** I think accessing like below is fine, as we have pointer structs and val is not pointer so '.' **
    printf("result0: %d",result->rows->values->val.int_val);
    printf("result1: %d",result->rows->values->val.int_val);
     return 1;

    int parse_json_to_result(char *json, db_res_t** result)
        cJSON *root,*record;
        int recourdCount = 0;
        int i=0;
        int value=0;

        root =cJSON_Parse(json);
        recourdCount= cJSON_GetArraySize(root);
        printf("array size: %d\n",recourdCount);

            record = cJSON_GetArrayItem(root, i);
            value =  cJSON_GetObjectItem(record,"expires")->valueint;
            printf("Fetched value: %d\n",value);
** The below line gives segmentation fault**
            ((*result)->rows->values)->val.int_val = value;
    return 1;


    ((*result)->rows->values)->val.int_val = value;

结果是指针的指针,所以首先我取消引用它然后休息是指向结构的指针,所以使用' - &gt;'和val只是结构所以'。'

*result->rows->values->val.int_val = value;

当我上面写的时候,我得到了编译错误,比如 row不是struct或union ,而val也是如此。


另外,我无法理解的一件事是,在我正在使用的代码中,行被作为rows [0],rows [1]访问,但我没有在结构中看到数组声明。如何创建行数组?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



db_res_t *result = malloc(sizeof(db_res_it));

但我们还没有完成。请注意,result-&gt; rows是指向另一个struct的指针。即使我们为结果结构malloc提供空间,它也只为POINTER分配内存到db_row结构,而不是db_row结构本身。所以我们需要确保行指针也被初始化。

result->rows = malloc(sizeof(db_row_t));


result->rows->values = malloc(sizeof(db_val_t));


至于你的另一个问题,关于以数组的形式访问行:在C中,这基本上是一个指针。 Hanno Binder为您提供了良好的资源;这是C要理解的重要和基础概念。
