validate method(){
callValidatemethod 1()----- checks whether the first column data exists in the db. This happens for each record. worst case 10000 records
callValidatemethod 2()----- checks whether the second column data exists in the db. This happens for each record. worst case 10000 records
callValidatemethod 3()----- checks whether the third column data exists in the db. This happens for each record. worst case 10000 records
if(validation returns true){
writing the valid data to arraylist
call writeData method---which writes the arraylist to the db.
ui页面提供网络错误 - 服务器缓慢或太忙。但是在后端代码运行得很好,因为在控制台上代码打印SOP语句。我在weblogic jta设置中进行了更改,为它们提供了Max超时值。但仍然。 有没有比这更好的逻辑。