Kohana catch Database_Exception [ 1146 ]

时间:2015-07-28 22:13:04

标签: database orm kohana

Is there any way to catch Database_Exception [ 1146 ] (Table 'table_name' doesn't exist) and create one (CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS), according to table structure listed in model ($_table_columns)?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

UPDATED 29.07.2015 -----------------------------------------------

I solved the exeption cathing part of my question following way:

  1. Create an Database Exeption class overriding parent (APPATH/classes/Database/Exeption.php) with following contents:

class Database_Exception extends Kohana_Database_Exception {

 * Creates a new translated exception.
 *     throw new Kohana_Exception('Something went terrible wrong, :user',
 *         array(':user' => $user));
 * @param   string          $message    error message
 * @param   array           $variables  translation variables
 * @param   integer|string  $code       the exception code
 * @param   Exception       $previous   Previous exception
 * @return  void
public function __construct($message = "", array $variables = NULL, $code = 0, Exception $previous = NULL)
    // Search for corresponding handler class
    if(class_exists('Database_Exception_Handler_' . $code))
        // Pass the $variables array to the handler
        $handler_class_name = 'Database_Exception_Handler_' . $code;

        // Abort further script execution
        // Pass the message and integer code to the parent
        parent::__construct($message, $variables, $code, $previous);


  1. Create an Exeption Handler class (APPATH/classes/Database/Exeption/Handler/1146.php) with following contents:

class Database_Exception_Handler_1146 {

 * Class instance.
 * @static
 * @access  protected
 * @var     object
protected static $_instance;

 * Exeption variables.
 * @static
 * @access  protected
 * @var     array
protected static $_variables;

 * Creates a singleton Database Exception 
 * Handler instance.
 * @static
 * @access  public
 * @param   array   $variables
 * @return  object
public static function instance(array $variables = NULL)
    if( ! is_object(self::$_instance))
        $handler_class_name = __CLASS__;            
        self::$_variables = $variables;         
        self::$_instance = new $handler_class_name();
    return self::$_instance;

public static function handle() 
    // Here comes handler code...       

} // End Database_Exception_Handler_1146

So now we can catch and handle any database table errors. In example - [1146] - Table 'database_name.table_name' doesn't exist.

Now I'm wondering how to create table (// Here comes handler code...), and check table structure, according to model property $_table_columns.

Any idea?

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