我将一些IIS日志导入Power Pivot以使用以下方法进行分析:
LogParser.exe "
EXTRACT_TOKEN(LogFileName, 5, '\\') As LogFile,
to_localtime(to_timestamp(date,time)) as LOG_DTTM,
cs-UserName as ClientUserName,
cs-Method,cs-Uri-Stem as UriStem,
cs-Uri-Query as UriQuery,
sc-Status as Status,
sc-SubStatus as SubStatus,
time-Taken as ElapsedTimeMS,
c-Ip As ClientIP,
s-ComputerName as ComputerName,
s-Ip as ServerIP,
s-Port as Port,
sc-Win32-Status as Win32Status,
cs(User-Agent) as UserAgent
FROM somefile.log" -o:SQL -oConnString:"Driver=SQL Server;Server=MY_SERVER_NAME; Database=MY_DATABASE_NAME;Trusted_Connection=yes" -createTable:ON -e:10 -transactionRowCount:-1
......我的问题是: 我应该将DateTime列的离散部分拆分为数据库存储级别的单独列,还是应该留给PowerPivot模型中的计算列?
Marco Russo似乎建议至少将DATE拆分为一个单独的栏目:
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我强烈建议您创建日期表和时间表来执行此类分析。 date table将有助于计算星期几,日期等。它允许您通过简单的连接轻松进行日期计算和分类。时间维度将按小时分组。我倾向于在我的数据库中创建这些表,并将它们从SQL Server中导入我的Power Pivot模型。我的一般想法是行级计算在较低级别(SQL数据库)中比在Power Pivot模型中更有效地完成。它们可以在两者中完成,因此位置取决于您以及服务器和运行Power Pivot模型的计算机上可用的内存和CPU数量。由于Power Pivot在个人笔记本电脑上打开而我无法控制,我喜欢在SQL Server中进行大量计算。我看到你标记了Power Query。有scripts available to create a date dimension in Power Query而不需要SQL Server中的表。我还没有在Power Query中建立时间维度,但是here's a good SQL Server script。 日期表位于日期级别。时间表下降到秒,可以让您轻松地按分钟,小时等方式滚动时间。
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimDate] (
[DateKey] [int] NOT NULL
,[Date] [datetime] NOT NULL
,[Day] [char](10) NULL
,[DayOfWeek] [smallint] NULL
,[DayOfMonth] [smallint] NULL
,[DayOfYear] [smallint] NULL
,[PreviousDay] [datetime] NULL
,[NextDay] [datetime] NULL
,[WeekOfYear] [smallint] NULL
,[Month] [char](10) NULL
,[MonthOfYear] [smallint] NULL
,[QuarterOfYear] [smallint] NULL
,[Year] [int] NULL
create table time_of_day
time_of_day_key smallint primary key,
hour_of_day_24 tinyint, --0-23, military/European time
hour_of_day_12 tinyint, --1-12, repeating for AM/PM, for us American types
am_pm char(2), --AM/PM
minute_of_hour tinyint, --the minute of the hour, reset at the top of each hour. 0-59
half_hour tinyint, --1 or 2, if it is the first or second half of the hour
half_hour_of_day tinyint, --1-24, incremented at the top of each half hour for the entire day
quarter_hour tinyint, --1-4, for each quarter hour
quarter_hour_of_day tinyint, --1-48, incremented at the tope of each half hour for the entire day
string_representation_24 char(5), --military/European textual representation
string_representation_12 char(5) --12 hour clock representation sans AM/PM