So I would like to create a batch script so that I could put it in my SendTo folder. I would like it to do the following:
When I select the script in my send to window, I would like it to make a copy of the file to the same directory but add the date (_YYYYMMDD) to the following. So if the file is called
and I send it to the script, it should make a new file called
I have a script that adds the current date, but I would like one to do the last modified date. The current script I have is the following:
@echo off
:: Tokenize date for format yyyymmdd
For /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do (
Set Month=%%A
Set Day=%%B
Set Year=%%C
Set All=%%C%%A%%B
copy %1 "%~d1%~p1%~n1_%All%%~x1"
Thanks in advance
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@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
rem Get the file date
for /f %%f in ('forfiles /p "%~dp1\" /m "%~nx1" /c "cmd /c echo @fdate"') do (
rem Split the date by commonly used separators
for /f "delims=.,/ tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ("%%f") do (
rem Zero-pad month and day
set month=0%%a
set day=0%%b
rem Rename the file to FileName_YYYYMMDD.Ext
copy /b "%~1" "%~dpn1_%%c!month:~-2!!day:~-2!%~x1"