Why doesn't my iphone install seem to finish?

时间:2015-07-28 17:09:59

标签: ios iphone firemonkey

I have an iPhone app that compiles and works fine in the simulator. However when I try to sideload it as an Ad Hoc application, the install seems to fail silently.

Initially when it's trying to sync to the phone, it gets the grey icon (as expected), and I get a install sweep / radar over lay on it.

It gets to about 80% (10 o'clock) and then disappears. The icon remains grey and the title says "Waiting". If I later try to run the application the title changes to "Installing..."

iOS: 8.4 Xcode: 6.4 Embarcadero/FireMonkey: XE8

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



窗口 - >设备 - > (电话) - > “设备信息”面板左下角的小三角按钮。


profile not valid: <hex_identifier>


回到Embarcadero / FireMonkey方面,Mobile Provision和Developer Certificate设置缺失/恢复为默认值。


项目 - &gt;选项 - &gt;供应

