How can I match the android.util.Log with crashlytics?

时间:2015-07-28 17:07:01

标签: android android-logcat crashlytics

I want to create a new class in my android app to use crashlytics logging. That I want to do is create some methods that match the android.util.Log and I want to call the crashlytics method within ( Crashlytics.getInstance().core.log). But I don't have clear how can I do it... Someone can help me?

For example, I can do something like this?

Copy all Log.class in a new class and do

private Log() {

public static int v(String tag, String msg) {
    return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, VERBOSE, tag, msg);

. . .

And in another class.

Log.v(tag, message);

This could work?

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private CrashlyticsCore getCrashlytics() {
    return Crashlytics.getInstance().core;

public void logDebug(String tag, String message) {
    getCrashlytics().log(Log.DEBUG, tag, message);


logDebug(TAG, "This is a log message");