Why are << and += building a different string?

时间:2015-07-28 16:30:06

标签: ruby string

I wrote a function that iterates over a string character by character, pulling values from a hash using each character as a key. The values in the hash were used to build a new string:

acc = ''
str.each_char do |c|
  acc << somehash[c]

If the string was longer than one, the first character would be looked up and its hash value be interpolated several times in the built string, which was not what I wanted. I rewrote the line with << as

acc += somehash[c]

and it behaved correctly. Why am I getting different behavior from << and +=?

NOTE: I'm no longer getting this behavior, and my unit tests are passing. I'm not sure why since I didn't touch the logic in the loop.

1 个答案:

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s1 << s2 appends the string s2 to s1, whereas s1 += s2, which expands to s1 = s1 + s2, creates a new object which becomes the new value of the variable s1.

Consider the following.

s1 = "ab"
s1.object_id #=> 70117580969460 
s2 = "cd"

s1 << s2     #=> "abcd" 
s1           #=> "abcd" 
s1.object_id #=> 70117580969460 

Compare that with:

s1 = "ab"
s1.object_id #=> 70117576935280 
s2 = "cd"

s1 += s2     #=> s1 = s1 + s2 => "abcd" 
s1           #=> "abcd" 
s1.object_id #=> 70117576870900 