I know this probably an easy question to answer, or at least I'm hoping it is. I have a CEWP (Content Editor Web Part) that I'm trying to use custom code to create an input field for access to update a list. I would like the input to be a Rich Text Editor. I've tried writing the following in JavaScript:
$(document).ready(function() {
user = getUserAccountInfo();
username = user.PreferredName;
InputFormTextBox textbox = new InputFormTextBox();
textbox.ID = "inputFormTextBox1";
textbox.TextMode = TextBoxTextMode.MultiLine;
textbox.rows = 6;
textbox.columns = 75;
I get an error message of needing a semicolon ';' at the line declaring the InputFormTextBox. It looks valid to me. I am then calling the text values from the box, and using SPServices UpdateListItems.