我有一个简单的问题。 我有一个带有以下内容的config.json文件
"DefaultAdminUsername": "Administrator@test.com",
"DefaultAdminPassword": "Admin!",
"DefaultNoOfUsers": "100",
我想修改" DefaultNoOfUsers"的值。从批处理文件 例如:从100更改为1000
for /f %%A in (config.json) do (
SET key = value
echo %VERSION%
echo %TEST%
答案 0 :(得分:1)
@echo off
rem Exit this batch file if file config.json does not exist in current directory.
if not exist config.json goto :EOF
rem Make sure that the temporary file used does not exist already.
del "%TEMP%\config.json" 2>nul
rem Define a default value for number of users.
set "DefaultNoOfUsers=100"
rem Ask user of batch file for the number of users.
set /P "DefaultNoOfUsers=Number of users (%DefaultNoOfUsers%): "
rem Copy each line from file config.json into temporary file
rem with replacing on line with "DefaultNoOfUsers" the number.
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in (config.json) do (
if /I %%A == "DefaultNoOfUsers" (
echo %%A: "%DefaultNoOfUsers%",>>"%TEMP%\config.json"
) else (
echo %%A:%%B>>"%TEMP%\config.json"
rem Move the temporary file over file config.json in current directory.
move /Y "%TEMP%\config.json" config.json >nul
rem Delete the used environment variable.
set "DefaultNoOfUsers="
在命令提示符窗口for /?
中运行并阅读窗口中的整个帮助输出,以了解 for 循环的工作原理。