我在Materialize CSS中遇到这个奇怪的问题,其中侧边栏与“主”面板中的内容以及页脚(see image here: most content is censored on the page, the "m" in the title is part of the title text "Problem Submission")重叠,即使我相信我已正确设置网格。它发生在Chrome和Safari上(我也不希望IE)。这是我的文档的基本结构,其中所有以下标记都在<body>
<nav class="top-nav green">
<div class="container">
<a href = "#" data-activates="nav-mobile" class="button-collapse top-nav full hide-on-large-only"><i class="material-icons">menu</i></a>
<div class="container">
<div class="nav-wrapper"><span id="logo-container" class="brand-logo">{{ self.title() }}</span></div>
<ul id="nav-mobile" class="side-nav fixed">
<li class="logo"><a id="logo-container" href="/" class="brand-logo">Brand Name</a></li>
{% block navlinks %}
<li class="bold"><a href="/" class="waves-effect waves-teal">Back to Home</a></li>
{% endblock %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
{% block jumbo_content %}{% endblock %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12 m9 l10"><!-- Main content goes here -->
{% block main_content %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="col hide-on-small-only m3 l2"><!-- Nothing goes here (usually TOC -->
{% block toc_content %}
{% endblock %}
<footer class="page-footer green" style = "position: -webkit-sticky;">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col l9 m9 s12">
<h5 class="white-text">Brand Name</h5>
<p class="grey-text text-lighten-4">Description</p>
<div class="col l3 m3 offset-m3">
<h5 class="white-text">Important Links</h5>
<li><a class="white-text" href="/login">Login</a></li>
<li><a class="white-text" href="/contact_us">Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a class="white-text" href="/about">About</a></li>
<div class="footer-copyright">
<div class="container">
Copyright notice
答案 0 :(得分:5)
如果您检查side nav documentation并一直滚动到底部,则会显示在使用固定侧导航时如何抵消内容。
header, main, footer {
padding-left: 240px;
@media only screen and (max-width : 992px) {
header, main, footer {
padding-left: 0;