在Windows中,可以编写一个模拟findstr / n / r的批处理。 FILE.TXT?

时间:2015-07-26 09:19:19

标签: batch-file

好的,我知道这纯粹是学术性的,因为1: some string命令可以达到我的期望。


例如,标准输出为1)some string


  • somestring........(1) (不使用Windows资源管理器中的查找和替换)
  • s 1] somestring
  • $(document).ready(function(){ $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ ready: function () { $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", { title: MediaTitle, mp3: MediaURL }); }, remainingDuration: true, defaultPlaybackRate: 1, /* <-- I'd like to change the playback rate when I click a button */ toggleDuration: true }); });

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


@echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

rem Define the format of output lines; for example

rem To show "(lineNo) line" use:
set "format=(!lineNo!) !line!"

rem To show "20 chars of line (lineNo) rest of line" use:
set "format=!line:~0,20! (!lineNo!) !line:~20!"
rem and adjust each line read appending 20 spaces

rem To show "line (lineNo placed at column 75)" use:
set "format=!line:~0,73! (!lineNo!)"
rem and adjust each line read appending 73 spaces

rem To show line numbers with left zeros, start lineNo with the proper
rem number of zeros and modify the format accordingly; for example:
set lineNo=100
set "format=!line:~0,73! (!lineNo:~1!)"

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
copy %1 "%~1.tmp" > NUL
set "EOF=%random%%random%%random%"
echo :%EOF%EOF:>> "%~1.tmp"
REM set lineNo=0
call :ReadLines < "%~1.tmp"
del "%~1.tmp"
goto :EOF

   set "line="
   set /P "line="
   if "!line!" equ ":%EOF%EOF:" goto :EOF
   set "line=!line!                                                                         "
   set /A lineNo+=1
   echo %format%
goto ReadLines


@echo off                                                                 (01)
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion                                          (02)
rem Define the format of output lines; for example                        (04)
rem To show "(lineNo) line" use:                                          (06)
set "format=(!lineNo!) !line!"                                            (07)
rem To show "20 chars of line (lineNo) rest of line" use:                 (09)
set "format=!line:~0,20! (!lineNo!) !line:~20!"                           (10)
rem and adjust each line read appending 20 spaces                         (11)
rem To show "line (lineNo placed at column 75)" use:                      (13)
set "format=!line:~0,73! (!lineNo!)"                                      (14)
rem and adjust each line read appending 73 spaces                         (15)
rem To show line numbers with left zeros, start lineNo with the proper    (17)
rem number of zeros and modify the format accordingly; for example:       (18)
set lineNo=100                                                            (19)
set "format=!line:~0,73! (!lineNo:~1!)"                                   (20)
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion                                           (23)
copy %1 "%~1.tmp" > NUL                                                   (24)
set "EOF=%random%%random%%random%"                                        (25)
echo :%EOF%EOF:>> "%~1.tmp"                                               (26)
REM set lineNo=0                                                          (27)
call :ReadLines < "%~1.tmp"                                               (28)
del "%~1.tmp"                                                             (29)
goto :EOF                                                                 (30)
:ReadLines                                                                (32)
   set "line="                                                            (33)
   set /P "line="                                                         (34)
   if "!line!" equ ":%EOF%EOF:" goto :EOF                                 (35)
   set "line=!line!                                                       (36)
   set /A lineNo+=1                                                       (37)
   echo %format%                                                          (38)
goto ReadLines                                                            (39)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

 @echo off
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%X IN (friends.txt) DO (call :subroutine %%X)
GOTO :eof

:: This is the interesting part where the value of the SNO can be
:: moved around.If you want the SNO bang in the middle then
:: then that that's another project ! Moreover moving it to the end
:: is problematic if the strings don't have the same number 
:: of characters. The result is not visually pleasant in that case
echo (%SNO%)  %1>>numbered.txt
set /a SNO+=1
GOTO :eof