
时间:2015-07-25 08:14:31

标签: c++ random

我是c ++的初学者,我正在做在线教程,我正在做第一次挑战。这是一场游戏:玩家进入游戏配置,然后他必须对他的敌人战略做出反应。

问题在于,有时游戏结束时不会显示任何策略。 stratergyRoll似乎无法每次都让我相信问题出在我的随机数生成器上。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int AmountOfYourMen(string FactionName1);
int AmountOfEnemyMen(string FactionName2);
int EndStatment(string GeneralName, string FactionName1, string FactionName2, int orgfaction1size, int faction1size, int orgfaction2size, int faction2size);
void BattleSim(int &faction2hp, int &faction1hp, int &faction1attack, int &faction2attack, int &faction1size, int &faction2size, int &orghpfaction1, int &orghpfaction2);

int main()
  int faction1;
  int faction2;
  int faction1hp;
  int faction2hp;
  int faction1attack;
  int faction2attack;
  int faction1size;
  int faction2size;
  int orgfaction1size;
  int orgfaction2size;
  int orghpfaction1;
  int orghpfaction2;
  string FactionName1;
  string FactionName2;
  string GeneralName;

  int ArmyMove;

  mt19937 RandomGenerator(time(NULL));
  uniform_int_distribution<int> StratergyRoll(1,4);
  uniform_real_distribution<float> yourmove(0.0,1);
  uniform_real_distribution<float> trapsuccess(0.0,1);

  cout<<"Welcome General What Is Your Name"<<endl;
  cout<<"Welcome General "<< GeneralName <<endl;
  cout<<"choose your faction Rome(1) Spartans(2) Carthage(3) Egypt(4) Greece(5)"<<endl;
  cin>> faction1;
  cout<<"now choose the enemy faction Rome(1) Spartans(2) Carthage(3) Egypt(4) Greece(5)"<<endl;
  cin>> faction2;

  if(faction1 == 1){
    FactionName1 = "Romans";
    faction1hp = 120;
    orghpfaction1 = 100;
    faction1attack = 100;
  else if(faction1 == 2){
    FactionName1 = "Spartans";
    faction1hp = 45;
    orghpfaction1 = 45;
    faction1attack = 100;
  else if(faction1 == 3){
    FactionName1 = "Carthaginians";
    faction1hp = 80;
    orghpfaction1 = 80;
    faction1attack = 60;
  else if(faction1 == 4){
    FactionName1 = "Egyptions";
    faction1hp = 80;
    orghpfaction1 = 80;
    faction1attack = 70;
  else if(faction1 == 5){
    FactionName1 = "Greeks";
    faction1hp = 80;
    orghpfaction1 = 80;
    faction1attack = 80;

  if(faction2 == 1){
    FactionName2 = "Romans";
    faction2hp = 120;
    orghpfaction2 = 100;
    faction2attack = 100;
  else if(faction2 == 2){
    FactionName2 = "Spartans";
    faction2hp = 45;
    orghpfaction2 = 45;
    faction2attack = 100;
  else if(faction2 == 3){
    FactionName2 = "Carthaginians";
    faction2hp = 80;
    orghpfaction2 = 80;
    faction2attack = 60;
  else if(faction2 == 4){
    FactionName2 = "Egyptions";
    faction2hp = 80;
    orghpfaction2 = 80;
    faction2attack = 70;
  else if(faction2 == 5){
    FactionName2 = "Greeks";
    faction2hp = 80;
    orghpfaction2 = 80;
    faction2attack = 80;

  faction1size = AmountOfYourMen(FactionName1);
  orgfaction1size = faction1size;

  faction2size = AmountOfEnemyMen(FactionName2);
  orgfaction2size = faction2size;

  if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator) ==1) {
    cout<<"the "<< FactionName2 << " are charging strait ahead using no apparent stratergy what will you do"<<endl;
    cout<<"(1)charge them head on"<<endl;
    cout<<"(2)attempt to surround them"<<endl;
    cin>> ArmyMove;
    if(ArmyMove ==1){
        cout<<"you charge foward meeting your enemy head on"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(ArmyMove == 2){
        if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >=0.4){
            cout<<"you have successufuly surrounded your enemy your men get stat boosts"<<endl;
            faction1hp += 40;
            faction1attack +=40;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        while(faction1size >= 1 && faction2size >=1);
    else if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) < 0.4){
        cout<<"your attempt at surrounding your enemy have failed your men loose stats"<<endl;
        faction1hp -= 50;
        faction1attack -= 50;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
  else if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator)==2){
    cout<<"the "<< FactionName2 << " your enemy is advancing with their cavelry positoned far out on each side and have their infantry in the middle what will you do"<<endl;
    cout<<"(1) ignore the cavlery and charge their infantry head on"<<endl;
    cout<<"(2)tell your cavelry to meet the enemy cavelry head on and tell your infantry to move foward to engage"<<endl;
    cout<<"(3)hold your ground put spearmen on your flanks and at the back of your army"<<endl;
    cin>> ArmyMove;
    if(ArmyMove ==1){
        cout<<"you charge foward meeting your enemy head on"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(ArmyMove == 2){
        if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >=0.5){
            cout<<"your cavelry have defeated the enemy cavelry and are now out flanking your enemy. your men get stat boosts"<<endl;
            faction1hp +=50;
            faction1attack +=50;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) < 0.5){
            cout<<"your cavelry was defeated and the enemy cavelry is now out flanking your men. stats lost "<<endl;
            faction1hp -= 60;
            faction1attack -= 60;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(ArmyMove == 3){
        if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >= 0.1)
            cout<<"your men hold their ground and their cavelry crashed into your speers getting slaughtered"<<endl;
        cout<<" this was a good plan stopping the flanking and increases your stats"<<endl;
        faction2attack -=50;
        faction2hp -= 50;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) <= 0.1){
        cout<<"your men hold and their cavelry crashed into your speers"<<endl;
        cout<<"this seemed like a good plan however the cavelry broke through and you are now surounded"<<endl;
        cout<<"your men loose stats"<<endl;
        faction1attack -=50;
        faction1hp -= 50;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
  else if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator)==3){
    cout<<"the "<< FactionName2 << " are holding position what will you do"<<endl;
    cout<<"(1)chage foward. if your enemy wont come to you, you go to them"<<endl;
    cout<<"(2)tell your archers to hide on the flanks further up than your army and send in a platoon of men to attack and try to draw your enemy into a trap"<<endl;
    cout<<"(3)approach slowly keeping your gard up"<<endl;
    cin>> ArmyMove;
    if(ArmyMove ==1){
        cout<<"you charge foward meeting your enemy head on"<<endl;
            cout<<"the enemy were hoping you would do this and have a trap in place. You take archer fire from each side"<<endl;
            cout<<"your men loose stats"<<endl;
            faction1hp -= 60;
            faction1attack -= 60;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
           BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(trapsuccess(RandomGenerator)>0.4){
            cout<<"you were lucky the enemy had no plan in place"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(ArmyMove == 2){
        if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >=0.41){
            cout<<"your trap was a success your men get stat boosts"<<endl;
            faction1hp += 50;
            faction1attack +=50;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) <= 0.4){
            cout<<"your trap failed the enemy realised what you where doing and countered. stats lost "<<endl;
            faction2hp += 20;
            faction2attack += 40;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(ArmyMove == 3){
        if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >= 0.25)
            cout<<"your men approach causiosly and spot a trap being set so you counter. stat boost"<<endl;
        faction1attack +=40;
        faction1hp += 40;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) < 0.25){
        cout<<"your men are causious but dont detect the trap. stats lost"<<endl;
        faction2attack +=40;
        faction2hp += 40;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
        cout<<" "<<endl;
        BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
  else if(faction2 == 1) {
    if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator) == 3){
        cout<<"the Romans are forming the Testudo formation"<<endl;
        cout<<"what will you do"<<endl;
        cout<<"(1) barrage them with arrows they dont stand a chance"<<endl;
        cout<<"(2) charge tell all your men to charge them"<<endl;
        cout<<"(3) fire arrows and do a cavelry charge"<<endl;
        if(ArmyMove = 1){
            if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >= 0.95){
                cout<<"you got lucky the Testudo formation was not set properly"<<endl;
                cout<<"you cut them down with your arrows. stat boost"<<endl;
                faction1attack += 60;
                faction1hp +=80;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(ArmyMove == 2){
            cout<<"you charge your enemy head on"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(ArmyMove == 3){
            cout<<"good job the legions not at fighting cavelry and skirmishers seperatly"<<endl;
            cout<<"but not together. stat boost"<<endl;
            faction1attack += 50;
            faction1hp += 50;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
    else if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator) == 4){
        cout<<"your enemy has chosen the battle field carefully"<<endl;
        cout<<"the ground is flat and perfect for the enemy chariots"<<endl;
        cout<<"what will you do"<<endl;
        cout<<"(1) who cares they dont stand a chance against me"<<endl;
        cout<<"(2) shift your cavelry to more ruff ground and hope they follow"<<endl;
        cout<<"(3) bring spearmen to the front so they can take on the chariots"<<endl;
        if(ArmyMove == 1){
            cout<<"the battle ground sutes the enemy they get stat boost"<<endl;
            faction2attack +=60;
            faction2hp +=60;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
            cout<<" "<<endl;
            BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(ArmyMove == 2){
            if(yourmove(RandomGenerator)>= 0.4){
                cout<<"your tactics work and your enemy follow you off to ruffer terrain"<<endl;
                cout<<"losing their battle advantage and gaining advantage for yourself"<<endl;
                faction1hp += 60;
                faction1attack += 60;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
            if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) < 0.4){
                cout<<"your plan fails and the enemy sees what you are doing"<<endl;
                cout<<"he drives your army back to their chosen battlefield"<<endl;
                cout<<"stats lost"<<endl;
                faction1hp -=30;
                faction1attack -=30;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);
        else if(ArmyMove == 3){
            if(yourmove(RandomGenerator) >= 90){
                cout<<"you got lucky the enemy chariots were untrained and your spearmen provail"<<endl;
                cout<<"stats increase"<<endl;
                faction1attack += 30;
                faction1hp += 30;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                cout<<"<battle sounds>"<<endl;
                cout<<" "<<endl;
                BattleSim(faction2hp, faction1hp, faction1attack, faction2attack, faction1size, faction2size, orghpfaction1, orghpfaction2);

  if(faction1size <= 0){
    cout<<FactionName2 << " are victorious"<<endl;
    cout<<" "<<endl;

  else if(faction2size <=0){
    cout<<FactionName1 << " are victorious"<<endl;
    cout<<" "<<endl;

  EndStatment(GeneralName, FactionName1, FactionName2, orgfaction1size, faction1size, orgfaction2size, faction2size);

  return 0;

int AmountOfYourMen(string FactionName1)
  //amount of your men
  int faction1size;

  cout<<"how many "<< FactionName1 <<":";

  return faction1size;

int AmountOfEnemyMen(string FactionName2)
  //amount of enemy men
  int faction2size;

  cout<<"how many "<< FactionName2 <<":";

  return faction2size;

int EndStatment(string GeneralName, string FactionName1, string FactionName2, int orgfaction1size, int faction1size, int orgfaction2size, int faction2size)
  cout<<" "<<endl;
  cout<<FactionName1<< " casulties:"<< orgfaction1size - faction1size<<endl;
  cout<<FactionName1<<" men remaining:"<< faction1size<<endl;
  cout<<" "<<endl;
  cout<<FactionName2<< " casulties:"<< orgfaction2size - faction2size<<endl;
  cout<<FactionName2<<" men remaining:"<< faction2size<<endl;
  cout<<" "<<endl;

  if(faction1size <= 0){
    cout<<"General "<< GeneralName <<" you have been defeated and discraced"<<endl;
    cout<<"you should must regain your honor by playing again and wining"<<endl;
  else if(faction2size<=0){
    cout<<"General "<< GeneralName << " you were VICTORIOUS"<<endl;
    cout<<"continue your military superiority by playing again"<<endl;

void BattleSim(int &faction2hp, int &faction1hp, int &faction1attack, int &faction2attack, int &faction1size, int &faction2size, int &orghpfaction1, int &orghpfaction2)
  uniform_real_distribution<float> AttackRoll(0.0,1);
  mt19937 RandomBattle(time(NULL));

  do {
    if(AttackRoll(RandomBattle) >= 0.5){
        faction2hp -= faction1attack;
        if(faction2hp <= 0){
            faction2size -=1;
            faction2hp = orghpfaction2;
    if(AttackRoll(RandomBattle) >= 0.5){
        faction1hp -= faction2attack;
        if(faction1hp <= 0){
            faction1size -=1;
            faction1hp = orghpfaction1;
  }while(faction1size >= 1 && faction2size >=1);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



mt19937 RandomGenerator(time(NULL));     // ok !  You have a seeded random generator
uniform_int_distribution<int> StratergyRoll(1, 4);   // and you set the bounds
if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator) == 1) {  // Suppose result is 3
else if(StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator) == 2) {  // Suppose result is 1 :OUCH !!! 




int currentRoll = StratergyRoll(RandomGenerator);  // Store it
if( currentRoll  == 1) {  // Suppose result is 3
else if(currentRoll == 2) {  // Now it wont change and you're sure one of the branch will fire! 



重要编辑:您有两个if (yourmove...)的陈述{,而后续行的缩进表明它们属于同一个阻止(我在记下你的缩进时注意到它)。这会影响3个或更多的strategyRoll。

