
时间:2015-07-24 15:27:26

标签: google-apps-script




function startCustomTrigger()

function nonWorkHours() {

 var date = new Date();
 var day = date.getDay();
 var hrs = date.getHours();

if ((day >= 1) && (day <= 5) && (hrs >= 16) && (hrs <= 7)) {

   // forward email here
   var thread = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0,1)[0]; // get first thread in inbox
   var message = thread.getMessages()[0]; // get first message



Forward unread inbox messages to personal email at desired hours.  M - F from 4pm to 7am and Sat all day.
Also mark the messages that are forwarded with custom label "Forwarded(Non_Hours)" and marked as read.
Grab timestamp of last message that was forwarded and save as global script property.

tjones © 2015 


// Custom trigger to run script every 5 mins 
function startCustomTrigger()

// Global Variables ====================================================================================================

var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

//Grab current time of run
var startTime = new Date().getTime();  //Log the start of script--> combine with below Logger line
Logger.log("START OF RUN: " + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(startTime),Session.getScriptTimeZone(),'d MMM yy hh:mm:ss' ));  //Log time into readable format

// Grab gmail inbox
var thread ='is:unread'); //Grab all unread messages 
var gmailMessages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(thread);  //Grab all the messages of given threads, set above

//Setup script timestamp properties
var lastForwardTime = scriptProperties.getProperties();  //Var for the timestamp of last message from last time scirpt ran
var keys = scriptProperties.getProperty('lastForward');  //The key from the lastForward timestamp
Logger.log("LAST TIMESTAMP OF MESSAGE FORWARDED: " + keys) //Log the key to the logger
Logger.log("label: " + GmailApp.createLabel("Forwarded(Non_Hours)"));  //Create label, if exists will just overwrite

//Variable to set label "Forwarded(Non_Hours)" to threads being forwarded
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("Forwarded(Non_Hours)");

//Set some time formats to check if between M-F and 4pm to 7am
var date = new Date();
var day = date.getDay();
var hrs = date.getHours();


if (hrs >= 16 && hrs <= 24) {
  var inBound = true;
} else if (hrs >= 1 && hrs <= 6) {
    inBound = true;
} else {
  inBound = false;

function timeBound() {

  if ((day >= 1) && (day <= 5) && (inBound == true))  {
  else if ((day >=6) && (day <=7)) {
  else {
    Logger.log("Time is out of bounds, Within work hours: Sleeping for 5 mins");

// Meat and potatoes of forwarding
 function timeMailed() {

   for(var i=0;i<thread.length;i++){  //for loop for all the threads from above
     var messagesForThread = gmailMessages[i];  //var for messages in threads 

     label.addToThread(thread[i])  // Set label to thread

     GmailApp.markThreadRead(thread[i]); //Mark messages as read before forwarding them

     for(var j=0;j<messagesForThread.length;j++){  //for loop to go through messages found above

       // Get timestamps of messages for duplicate check
       var messageDateTime = messagesForThread[j].getDate();


       var messageEpocTime = messageDateTime.getTime();


       // Compare message timestamp to lastForward key and make sure its newer than last check
       if (messageEpocTime > scriptProperties.getProperty('lastForward')) { 

         scriptProperties.setProperty('lastForward', messageEpocTime);  //Get date of messages and set as script property "lastForward"

         messagesForThread[j].forward("");  //forward the messages from above to forward address

         Logger.log("Message with subject " + messagesForThread[j].getSubject() + " was forwarded")
       else {
         Logger.log("Message with subject " + messagesForThread[j].getSubject() + " was already forwarded within last 5 min check")

       Logger.log("FINAL TIMESTAMP AT: " + scriptProperties.getProperty('lastForward') );  //Leave in final run to log last timestamp

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



如果您在发送电子邮件后保存该属性,您将永远不会错过任何电子邮件,但如果sendmail呼叫在发送后立即崩溃,则可能很少发送重复。 如果您在邮件之前保存该属性,则保证没有重复,但如果在发送电子邮件之前崩溃,可能会遗漏一些。

