我需要帮助我的代码一直给我这个错误。 错误是:
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
question , answer = generateQuestions (maxNum)
import random
def generateQuestions ( maxNum ) :
ops = ['+','-']
var1 = random.randrange ( maxNum )
var2 = random.randrange ( maxNum )
maxNum += 1
operation = random.choice (ops)
ques = 'What is' + str(var1) + operation + str(var2) + '?'
if operation == '+' :
var1 + var2
else :
var1 - var2
return ques
difficulty = 0
lives = 0
numofquestion = 0
correctCount = 0
while int (difficulty) <= int (0) or int(difficulty) >= int(4) :
print ('Welcome to the Math Tester')
print ('Please choose your difficulty')
difficulty = int (input ( '"1" for Easy \n"2" for Medium \n"3" for Hard\n'))
if difficulty == 1 :
print ('Easy Selected, You Have 3 Lives')
lives , maxNum = 3,10
elif difficulty == 2 :
print ('Medium Selected, You Have 2 Lives')
lives , maxNum = 2,25
elif difficulty == 3 :
print ('Hard Selected, You Have 1 Life')
lives , maxNum = 1,50
for numofquestion in range (10) :
print ( 'Question', numofquestion + 1, 'of 10,',lives ,'lives remaining.')
question , answer = generateQuestions (maxNum)
print ( question)
userAns = int (input ())
if answer == userAns :
print ('Correct!')
correctCount += 1
else :
print ('Incorrect!')
lives -= 1
print ('Result :')
print ('You scored {} / 10.'.format (correctCount))
print ('{} % - You {}!' .format (( correctCount / 10)*100, 'pass' if correctCount > 4 else 'fail'))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
def generateQuestions ( maxNum ) :
ops = ['+','-']
var1 = random.randrange ( maxNum )
var2 = random.randrange ( maxNum )
maxNum += 1
operation = random.choice (ops)
ques = 'What is' + str(var1) + operation + str(var2) + '?'
if operation == '+' :
answer = var1 + var2
else :
answer = var1 - var2
return ques, answer